Ardas Family Dental

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Treatment for White Spots in Parker, CO

Would you know if you were developing a cavity? You might think you could tell from having a toothache, but that’s not actually the first sign of enamel infection. We provide regular cleanings to patients of all ages at Ardas Family Dental in Parker, Colorado, but we want our patients to be able to recognize when they need specialized attention quickly. That’s why this week’s blog post is dedicated to the telltale sign of an incipient lesion: a white spot.

Enamel has a higher composition of inorganic tissues than any other tissue in the body. Although this makes it much harder, it can be damaged by the accumulation of acid. This can happen when a person consumes acidic things directly, when bacteria metabolize sugar on their teeth and produce acid as a waste product, or when they regurgitate acid from their stomach. The demineralization of enamel causes it to appear a chalky white color before it decays away, leaving behind a cavity.

White spots commonly occur around orthodontic brackets and in hard-to-brush places such as the sides of teeth and near the gum line. It may take as few as thirty days after one forms for it to become a cavity. The infection can usually be stopped through better hygiene, but there is a possibility the enamel will remain scarred. If that happens, we may discuss concealing it with with a veneer or bonding after we determine that the infection is no longer active.

Dr. Roopi Kattaura operates Ardas Family Dental at 10233 S Parker Rd, Suite 205, Parker, Colorado. Call 720-459-8420 or visit Ardas Family Dental and fill out a contact sheet.


Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Diabetes and Dental Implants in at Ardas Family Dental

If you have missing or damaged teeth, you’ve probably been told that implants are a great way of restoring your smile. But if you have diabetes, you may also have wondered whether that advice was really meant for you. It’s true that dentists have historically questioned whether people with diabetes were good candidates for implant-supported crowns, and a lot of research was done in this area. We at Ardas Family Dental in Parker, Colorado are pleased to pass along a review showing that when blood sugar is well-controlled, people with diabetes greatly benefit from implants.

The way the implant process works is that a single-crown implant is placed into an incision in the gum, which is then sutured closed while the implant integrates with the surrounding bone tissue. This process takes about three to six months, and the review found that in people with diabetes, it usually took closer to six months. However, people with  diabetes did achieve integration at comparable rates to those without it despite people with poorly-controlled blood sugar being more prone toward initial instability.

People with diabetes  are also especially vulnerable to gum inflammation, which in implant patients is called peri-implantitis. Gum disease poses a serious risk to implants, since the acid that is usually causing it could erode the implant or  its supportive tissue. But the review found that people with diabetes do not suffer higher rates of implant failure within the first six years of receiving one, and although their risk is higher after that, it can be managed with good oral hygiene and regular dental cleanings.

Dr. Roopi Kattaura operates Ardas Family Dental at 10233 S Parker Rd, Suite 205, Parker, Colorado. Call 720-459-8420 or visit Ardas Family Dental and fill out a contact sheet.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Wisdom Teeth Extraction in Parker, CO

We’ve all heard of it before, maybe even experienced its fury: “my wisdom teeth are coming in.” Nowadays, it’s a common trend for young adults to record themselves after getting their wisdom teeth removed. There’s the comic relief post-procedure and sharing the video on Youtube. Until a viewer feels an unfamiliar ache in their mouth and wonders what comes before the laughs, or even after them. Dr. Kattaura at Ardas Family Dental closely monitors the development of wisdom teeth in young patients and is committed to preserving their overall oral health.

Wisdom teeth that do not have enough space to develop correctly can cause numerous problems in the mouth. Complications include the trapping of food which makes an environment for cavities and disease to form, the crowding or damaging of neighboring teeth, and root damage (which is irreversible). As always, it is recommended that you see your dentist for regular checkups so that any issues involving the development of your wisdom teeth can be addressed as soon as possible.

You may need to get your wisdom teeth removed if you show signs of:

- Pain/aching/tenderness

- Infection

- Cysts

- Tumors

- Damage to surrounding teeth

- Gum disease

- Tooth decay

Ardas Family Dental is located at 10233 S Parker Rd, Suite 205, in Parker, CO 80134. For more information about wisdom teeth extraction or to schedule an appointment, please visit or call 720-459-8420.


Thursday, December 5, 2019

Sugar and Your Teeth

We know it’s not something you want to hear or maybe you’ve heard it a thousand times before. But it’s true, sugar negatively impacts your teeth in a big way. We at Ardas Family Dental in Parker, CO take pride in educating our patients about the importance of restricting sugary foods and drinks. It would be ideal to cut these out of your diet completely, but we understand that sometimes there’s nothing better than a crisp soda on a hot day. More attention should be paid to, say, how many sugary beverages you drink in a day or week. Is it really adding up? If so, consider restricting your intake for the sake of your teeth.

Sugar easily coats the surface of your teeth and attracts the “bad bacteria,” such as Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sobrinus. These destructive bacteria feed on the sugar and disturb the natural pH of your mouth, to the point where the acidity is too much for your teeth. Over time, the enamel on your teeth is broken down little by little. This isn’t so good since tooth enamel cannot be replaced. Once that natural barrier is gone, it’s gone for good. 

If you can’t give up sugar completely, then consider these tips to fight tooth decay:

- Watch what you eat and drink. Make sure to incorporate healthy options, such as fibrous vegetables.

- Restrict the sugar. Try drinking more water, your teeth will thank you (and so will your body).

- Practice good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing two to three times a day.

- Visit your dentist regularly. Your dentist will be able to take a closer look inside your mouth, monitor anything suspicious, and give your teeth a good professional cleaning. 

Ardas Family Dental is located at 10233 S Parker Rd, Suite 205, in Parker, CO 80134. For more information about proper dental hygiene or to schedule an appointment, please visit or call 720-459-8420.


Thursday, November 28, 2019

Oral Cancer Screenings in Parker, CO

Ardas Family Dental is dedicated to catching a potential problem in the mouth before it manifests into something worse. This is why we offer oral cancer screenings to check for any precancerous or cancerous conditions in the mouth. With the advances in modern technology, dentists are now able to treat a problem prior to it becoming irreversible. 

An oral cancer screening is completed with an ultraviolet light that allows Dr. Kattaura to view issues that cannot be detected with the naked eye. Precancerous lesions identified under this light are much easier to be removed and are more likely to be cured.

Causes of oral precancer/cancer include:

- Tobacco use of any kind, such as cigarettes, cigars, pipes, chewing tobacco, snuff, dip and vaping

- Heavy alcohol consumption

- Family history of cancer

- Human papillomavirus (HPV)

- Significant sun exposure

It is recommended that you see your Colorado dentist for regular checkups so that any potential problems can be addressed as soon as possible. Ardas Family Dental is located at 10233 S Parker Rd, Suite 205, in Parker, CO 80134. For more information about our oral cancer screenings or to schedule an appointment, please visit or call 720-459-8420.


Saturday, November 23, 2019

Dentures in Parker, CO

Ardas Family Dental takes pride in helping patients achieve their best, confidence-boosting smile. For patients with missing teeth, we offer both full and partial dentures. Dental dentures are designed to replace missing teeth as well as the surrounding tissues. They are custom made, removable, and significantly improve the function and appearance of your smile. You can even eat and sleep with them! Dr. Kattaura will ensure that your new dentures fit your mouth properly and comfortably.

Full dentures are either “conventional” or “immediate.” Conventional dentures are made after the teeth have been completely removed from the gum tissue and the healing process has had a chance to begin. After that time, this type of full denture is placed in the mouth for eight to twelve weeks. Immediate dentures are made in advance and can be positioned as soon as the teeth are removed. This is a great alternative to conventional dentures because the wearer doesn’t have to go without teeth during the healing process. Partial dentures are also removable and are used when one or more teeth remain in the upper or lower jaw. This type of denture requires crowns on the teeth on either side of the space to attach artificial teeth and a cemented-in bridge. Partial dentures fill in the open spaces so that the remaining teeth cannot shift and appears more natural-looking than full dentures.

Other benefits of full and partial dentures include:

- Facial muscle support

- Allows patients to eat food they couldn’t eat without teeth

- Improves the ability to chew, eat, and speak

- Improves appearance and smile

- Improves self-esteem and confidence

Ardas Family Dental is located at 10233 S Parker Rd, Suite 205, in Parker, CO 80134. For more information about dentures or to schedule an appointment, please visit or call 720-459-8420.


Thursday, November 14, 2019

Alzheimer's and Gum Disease

Preventing gum disease isn’t just important for keeping your teeth; it may be essential for the health of your brain. We at Ardas Family Dental are dedicated to helping our patients understand how serious oral health is. Scientists have already linked gum disease to a large number of ailments, including diabetes and rheumatism. Now, it appears that gum disease can also be a major factor in the development of Alzheimer’s disease.

Porphyromonas gingivalis is a disease-causing species of oral bacteria that defends itself by producing toxic enzymes called gingipains. In animal testing, gingipains were found to produce the neural plaque that causes Alzheimer’s disease, and in a recent study, scientists found unusually high numbers of gingipains in the saliva, brains, and spinal fluid of people who displayed Alzheimer’s symptoms. It is also well-established that gingipains move from the mouth to the brain in other species.

In a recently published study, scientists announced that gingipains can also travel from the mouth to the brain in living humans. This is strong evidence that P. gingivalis is a driver of Alzheimer’s disease, and not just something that develops because people already suffering Alzheimer’s symptoms have difficulty brushing their teeth. Although it’s too early to say that gum disease is the primary contributor to Alzheimer’s, it’s certainly a good reason for people to brush and floss twice every day and to see us if they develop gingivitis.

Dr. Roopi Kattaura operates Ardas Family Dental at 10233 S Parker Rd, Suite 205, Parker, Colorado. Call 720-459-8420 or visit Ardas Family Dental and fill out a contact sheet.



Friday, November 8, 2019

Sealants in Parker, CO

We’re proud to be a trusted provider of oral health services to Parker residents of all ages here at Ardas Family Dental. Children are especially vulnerable to tooth decay, with one in four suffering a cavity before they turn four years old. We can repair their teeth, but it’s important for them to be protected from future tooth decay, as well. That’s why, in addition to teaching them proper oral hygiene, we administer sealants to their back teeth.

The points on our molars and premolars are called cusps. They are used to chew food, but the indentations between them can easily become a trap for debris. If the debris is allowed to remain, it will become food for oral bacteria, which will produce acid as a waste product. Children tend to have trouble brushing thoroughly, which is why sealants are used to slightly smooth out their back teeth and shield them against acid.

A sealant is a small layer of plastic that is painted on by a dentist following a professional cleaning. Before it is placed, the teeth will be etched with a mild acid in order to increase their surface area, allowing them to build a stronger bond with the sealant. The plastic coating will be hardened with a blue light, and the patient will have to refrain from eating for a few hours. After that, they will be able to chew normally. When cared for through ordinary oral hygiene, sealants can last for over ten years. Although children are the most common victims of tooth decay, they are not the only ones, which is why we may also offer sealants to adults.

Dr. Roopi Kattaura operates Ardas Family Dental at 10233 S Parker Rd, Suite 205, Parker, Colorado. Call 720-459-8420 or visit Ardas Family Dental and fill out a contact sheet.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Gum Abscess Treatment at Ardas Family Dental

Although many people suffer from bleeding gums, they’re not something you should think of as normal. Bleeding, redness, and soreness are all potential signs of gum disease. We’ve helped a lot of people with their oral hygiene at Ardas Family Dental in Parker, but it’s much easier to eliminate gum disease when it’s caught early. Otherwise, a patient may form a gum abscess.

Pus is a liquid made up of dead tissue, bacteria, and bacterial waste. An abscess is a pocket of pus that forms as a result of an infection. Gingival abscesses are those near the gum line. If a gum infection is allowed to grow, the walls of a gum pocket surrounding a tooth may become loose and form a pocket. A periodontal abscess is an abscess that forms within the infected gum pocket, and in addition to causing pain and a bad smell, it could also cause the patient to develop a fever and have difficulty working their jaw.

If the gums are badly infected, a patient should be prepared for the possibility that their dental pulp is, too. Regardless of whether we do a root canal to remove infected pulp, we’ll need to drain the pus out of the gum abscess. After removing infected gum tissue, we may do a process called planing to the tooth root, in which we smooth it. This will deprive bacteria of crevices to hide in, making it easier for hygienists to do deep cleanings on in the future.

Dr. Roopi Kattaura operates Ardas Family Dental at 10233 S Parker Rd, Suite 205, Parker, Colorado. Call 720-459-8420 or visit Ardas Family Dental and fill out a contact sheet.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Cracked Teeth in Parker, CO

Enamel cracks run the gamut from agonizing health concerns to cosmetic annoyances. But at Ardas Family Dental in Parker, Colorado, we’re prepared to restore a patient’s teeth no matter their condition. Prosthetics come in all shapes and sizes, so to encourage patients to seek treatment sooner, we wanted to describe when different kinds are necessary.

Craze lines are tiny, shallow cracks that develop in the surfaces of crowns. They typically don’t present a health concern or cause a patient any pain, so they can be covered with bonding or a veneer. But if a crack is deep enough for a patient to be in pain or at risk of infection, it will likely need to be filled in with a partial crown. Extensive damage to the tooth could necessitate the replacement of an entire crown and we might also want to remove the pulp through root canal therapy, but the tooth would probably still be salvageable unless the crack went down to the root. In that case it would have to be removed and replaced with an implant, bridge, or partial denture.

When a tooth is merely chipped, bonding or a partial crown is often enough to reshape it. However, it’s worth examining how a tooth came to be cracked. If a patient grinds their teeth in their sleep, they may need a night guard to protect their enamel and reduce stress on their jaw. People should also wear mouthguards during sports and avoid biting down on hard surfaces, especially with their front teeth.

Dr. Roopi Kattaura operates Ardas Family Dental at 10233 S Parker Rd, Suite 205, Parker, Colorado. Call 720-459-8420 or visit Ardas Family Dental and fill out a contact sheet.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Denture Stomatitis in Parker, Colorado

Dentures are vulnerable to somewhat different hygiene concerns than natural teeth and have to be cared for differently. At Ardas Family Dental in Parker, Colorado, we want all of our patients to understand how to get the best value out of their oral appliances. Most people don’t find keeping their dentures clean to be a challenge, but there are some things we want you to know.

When dentures are not cleaned regularly, the areas they cover are vulnerable to stomatitis, or yeast growth. Fungus is naturally present in the mouth, but its growth is controlled by antimicrobial enzymes in saliva. When a person wears dentures, saliva may not be able to reach the roof of their mouth or the gum ridge, allowing yeast to grow out of control and for red sores to develop. This can also happen when the corners of the mouth become chapped as a result of poorly-fitted dentures interfering with saliva flow.

Regular brushing is usually sufficient to prevent stomatitis, but because people do not always feel the sores, they have to inspect themselves for them. Patients should brush their gums prior to inserting the denture in the morning and should brush the entire denture twice a day. Specialty toothpaste is made for dentures that won’t scratch their plastic.

Dr. Roopi Kattaura operates Ardas Family Dental at 10233 S Parker Rd, Suite 205, Parker, Colorado. Call 720-459-8420 or visit Ardas Family Dental and fill out a contact sheet.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Dental Avulsion in Parker, Colorado

Sometimes, losing a tooth doesn’t mean it’s gone forever. If a person acts quickly and follows the proper protocol, it may be possible to reinsert a permanent tooth that has been knocked out. We at Ardas Family Dental in Parker can provide support to patients in this situation, but since it usually comes up unexpectedly, we want them to know what they need to do to improve their tooth’s odds of survival.

We use the term “dental avulsion” to describe a tooth that has been completely knocked out, and not just broken. An avulsed tooth should be lifted by its crown, not its root, and rinsed with a saline solution. If possible, it should be inserted back into its socket. If this is not possible, other options are to hold it inside the cheek or in an American Dental Association-approved tooth saving container which may be in a nearby first aid kit. It may also be transported in a glass of saltwater or milk.

An avulsed tooth must be treated within an hour to be saved, and patients should give higher priority to gashes on their face. Only adult teeth can be saved; reinserted baby teeth may fuse with the skull bones and fail to fall out naturally later. The tooth may also still need a root canal. However, saving it will spare a patient from needing an implant or partial denture replacement.

Dr. Roopi Kattaura operates Ardas Family Dental at 10233 S Parker Rd, Suite 205, Parker, Colorado. Call 720-459-8420 or visit Ardas Family Dental and fill out a contact sheet.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Treating Intrinsic Stains at Ardas Family Dental

If your teeth are discolored, we at Ardas Family Dental in Parker, Colorado can restore them to a dazzling white. But if the stains are internal, then you may have more than just a cosmetic problem. We want everyone to be able to recognize the signs that they need urgent dental care, which is why this week’s blog post is dedicated to possible causes of internal, or intrinsic stains.

Usually, stains are external, meaning that the outer layer of enamel has become discolored by something the patient regularly consumes. Intrinsic stains are caused by discoloration deeper in the tooth. Sometimes, they develop because a person was exposed to tetracycline antibiotics or excessive amounts of fluoride as a child, in which cases the stains are harmless. We may simply cover them with veneers or bonding. But it is much more common for intrinsic stains to result from infections in the pulp chamber. Infections will turn dental pulp black, red, or purple, and may be painful and produce a bad smell. They can spread if not treated in time and will not go away on their own.

We can treat pulp infections by doing a root canal. Once the infection has been removed, we may pack whitening cream into the pulp chamber and remove it about a week later. If the tooth is still discolored, we can mask it with a veneer or bonding, but the priority is to remove the infection.

Dr. Roopi Kattaura operates Ardas Family Dental at 10233 S Parker Rd, Suite 205, Parker, Colorado. Call 720-459-8420 or visit Ardas Family Dental and fill out a contact sheet.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Your Dental Health and Smoking

Your teeth, like the rest of your body, are negatively affected by smoking. It creates both long and short-term dental problems. In terms of your teeth, the most noticeable side effects are bad breath, staining, and yellowed coloring. Only a professional dentist like Dr. Kattaura can help with these problems. A proper dental examination and cleaning eliminate stains. If you are looking for a friendly and personalized care team, contact Ardas Family Dental today. Learn more by visiting our office in Parker, CO.


The American Dental Association (ADA) holds the position that tobacco usage inhibits taste while damaging your oral health. It does this in a few separate ways. On a basic level, it stains your teeth. Your teeth slowly become a shade of yellow. It is hard to remove these stains once they set in. You’ll need to schedule professional cleanings with your Parker, CO, dentist. She offers various teeth whitening services. These can bring your teeth closer to their natural brightness. The only way to fully prevent further staining is to quit smoking altogether. The likelihood of developing cavities also rises. When you smoke, your mouth dries out. You need saliva to keep your teeth clean. Saliva removes debris while keeping the teeth hygienic. Without the proper amount of saliva, your entire mouth is at risk.


Smoking has a direct effect on your immune system. When an individual has periodontal (gum) disease, their gums are painfully inflamed. Smoking agitates your gums more than they already are. Your immune system responds by increasing inflammation.


Smoking is a dangerous habit. Talk to our staff today about quitting. Scheduling an appointment with Dr. Kattaura is the first step towards a healthier life. We can walk you through the entire process. Reaching out to your friends and family is important. You’ll need their support throughout the process. Take some time to research different behavioral distraction techniques. Use these to distract yourself when you feel the need to smoke. It is a long and difficult process, but well-worth the health increase.


Ardas Family Dental is located in Parker, CO. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Kattaura, visit her website or call 720-459-8420.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Flossing with Braces

Flossing may seem difficult when you have braces, but it doesn’t have to be! The only difference is that flossing is even more important. Your braces give bacteria new places to form. Because of their design, food is much more likely to become snagged. Dr. Kattaura has a solution: this brief guide for flossing with braces! At Ardas Family Dental, we want the best for our patients. Learn how to keep your mouth healthy and happy! Contact our office in Parker, CO, with any questions.


It’s necessary to brush and floss daily. Your braces shouldn’t change this. When you have braces, it’s necessary to invest in a Floss Threader. This is a handheld dental appliance that moves the floss under the wire. From there, grab the floss and use it as normal. Floss each of your teeth. Another option is Floss Picks. These are small two-pronged devices. Floss is strung between the two prongs, letting you clean without interference. Carefully place the appliance between your two teeth to floss with it.


Proper flossing also makes a difference. Once you manage to get the floss in place, wrap it around one of the two teeth in a “C” shape. Move the floss up and down, rubbing the gums. Be gentle yet thorough when cleaning around your braces.


Don’t forget that you can still develop cavities with braces. Debris that gets stuck in your braces attracts bacteria. Always do a good job of brushing and flossing.


Ardas Family Dental is located in Parker, CO. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Kattaura, visit her website or call 720-459-8420.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Mouth Guards

Anybody who is an athlete should be wearing a mouth guard to protect their teeth and jaw from serious damage. Mouth guards are designed to keep your teeth and jaw protected from physical contact such as getting hit with a ball and contact from another player.

Mouth guards are customized to fit the patient’s mouths and ensure maximum protection when being active. Everybody has seen the generic mouth guards sold at sporting goods stores, but those aren’t designed to fit individual athlete’s mouths and are usually made of cheap materials and offer little protection. Mouth guards should fit specifically to each patient’s mouth and the best way to get your mouth guard is at your dentist.

No matter how old the athlete a mouth guard is crucial in keeping your teeth and mouth intact. It is important to protect against structural damage to your teeth and jaw as well as injuries lacerations to your cheeks, tongue, and lips. Mouth guards have also been shown to help decrease the risk of concussions which is another reason why they are a must for all athletes.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding mouth guards visit our website at and to schedule an appointment with Dr. Roopi Kattaura of Ardas Family Dental, visit Restorative Dentist Parker, CO, call 720-459-8420.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Crown Lengthening

Dental crowns are often placed after a cavity has been removed or a root canal performed. They restore the tooth's functionality while protecting it. In some cases, it’s necessary to perform a crown lengthening. It’s a common procedure for when the tooth isn’t exposed enough. Dr. Roopi Kattaura of Ardas Family Dental offers this procedure. To learn more, contact our office in Parker, CO.


A crown lengthening reveals enough tooth for a crown placement. There are a few reasons why this happens. Some teeth naturally do not stick out far enough, making them too close to the gum line. A broken tooth may require lengthening for the same reason. Maybe a placed crown has fallen off. Decay underneath a crown could knock it loose. Regardless, your dentist removes the gum tissue or bone for the crown placement.


Your Parker, CO, dentist begins by applying a local anesthetic. Incisions pull the gums away from the teeth. From there, bone, gum tissue, and the roots are reshaped. Afterward, Dr. Kattaura cleans the area and applies the stitches.


Recovery takes about three months. You will then schedule another appointment to receive a temporary and a permanent crown. Your dentist removes your stitches after 1-2 weeks. During recovery, use pain relievers and mouth rinse. Be careful when brushing your teeth. Try to avoid the gums at all costs. Avoid eating harder foods, sticking to softer substances.


Don’t be alarmed if the area bleeds after surgery. Keep on the lookout for signs of infection. A sudden sensitivity to hot and cold foods is common. Contact your dentist if the bleeding does not stop, there are signs of infection, the area is swollen or contains discharge, your pain reliever isn’t strong enough, or you notice swollen lymph nodes.


Ardas Family Dental is located in Parker, CO. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Roopi Kattaura, visit our website or call 720-459-8420.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Periodontal Splinting

A loose tooth is a serious matter. When you were a child, it signified a visit from the Tooth Fairy. Now, it means a trip to Ardas Family Dental is in order. Dr. Roopi Kattaura can save you from extraction with a procedure called Periodontal Splinting. The loose teeth are attached to the stronger ones, creating widespread stability. The causes of looseness are periodontal (gum) disease, misalignment, or injury. Learn more at our office in Parker, CO.


Teeth extraction is not a pleasant process. Though modern medicine keeps pain to a minimum, recovery afterward is rough. Periodontal Splinting saves both time and money. Temporary and permanent splinting are the available kinds. Whether your looseness is short-term or long-term effects which splint you get. Temporary is better suited for injuries, while permanent offers a solution for misalignment or gum disease. Intra-coronal and extra-coronal are the two types of temporary splinting. The difference lies in how they attach to the teeth. Extra-coronal is attached straight to the enamel. Intra-coronal splints require a channel on the back of the teeth. Permanent splinting is also available. This procedure is more advanced than temporary splints. Each of the loose teeth receives a dental crown. Placed between each is a splint. It fuses them, strengthening the teeth.


Contact your Parker, CO, dentist immediately after a loose tooth is noticed. Early treatment is the only way to prevent extraction. Otherwise, the loose tooth will damage the surrounding dental structures. Infection can also occur. You will need a professional dental examination to determine the cause and treatment. Advanced stage periodontal disease is a common culprit. One of the only noticeable symptoms is loose teeth. Gum disease sets in when you neglect your oral health. Brushing, flossing, and regular dental examinations prevent this. Personal injury, like a hit to the face, also knocks teeth loose. This often happens during sports. In the future, use a mouthguard to protect your teeth from harm. Lastly, grinding moves teeth out-of-place. This puts unnecessary pressure on them. It pushes your teeth out of their allotted spots, producing the misalignment. Wear a nightguard while asleep to prevent this.


Ardas Family Dental is located in Parker, CO. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Roopi Kattaura, visit her website or call 720-459-8420.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Teeth Extraction: Periodontal Sectioning

Though modern medicine keeps the pain levels during a tooth extraction to a minimum, it’s still an uncomfortable process. No one enjoys getting a tooth pulled. That’s why Dr. Roopi Kattaura offers Periodontal Sectioning. It’s an easier form of extraction where the tooth is broken into multiple pieces before removal. To learn more, contact our office in Parker, CO.


Three situations call for sectioning: wisdom teeth, multi-faceted or unique teeth, and pediatric extraction. Each are very different yet require the same procedure. Your Parker, CO, dentist is more than happy to provide this procedural technique. The most common of the three types are wisdom teeth. Your wisdom teeth are the final set of molars to erupt. They’re located in the very back of the gums. By nature, wisdom teeth are incredibly big. That’s why sectioning is necessary. It’s the only way to remove them. Uniquely rooted teeth need sectioning for the same reasoning. The roots of these teeth are very long and intricate. They are tough and refuse removal. With sectioning, the tooth is broken up and the pulp severed. Lastly, pediatric extraction requires sectioning. The procedure itself requires much less force than a normal extraction. This is perfect for children. It’s much less painful and intimidating. It also leaves a smaller cut in the patient's mouth. The child will have a shorter and easier recovery time then.


The procedure starts with a numbing agent. You’ll either receive a local anesthetic or a generalized one. After it has set in, your dentist severs the pulp. A dental drill breaks the tooth into pieces. Each section will be removed and the area sanitized. After everything is complete, stitches close up the incision.


The anesthetic keeps pain levels to a minimum during the procedure. Afterward, use over-the-counter or prescription pain medication. You’ll need to follow the post-operative instructions for a successful recovery. Avoid all vigorous activity. Do not eat any hard, spicy, or hot foods. Contact your dentist with any questions.


Tooth extraction doesn’t have to be a scary process with Dr. Roopi Kattaura. Schedule an appointment with Ardas Family Dental in Parker, CO, by calling 720-459-8420 or visiting our website.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Geriatric Patients

Your dental health is important no matter how old you are. This includes when you reach 60+ years old. Different dental concerns come to light as you age. Teeth naturally weaken, creating leeway for gum disease, tooth decay, and dentures. Dr. Roopi Kattaura offers dental services for all ages. Learn more by contacting Ardas Family Dental in Parker, CO.


If you live or take care of an elderly person, it’s important you help them with their dental health. Remind them to floss, brush, and go to dental examinations. If older individuals struggle with dementia or using their hands, assist them in these tasks. A little help goes a long way.


Dentures are replacements for extracted teeth. Both complete and partial sets are available. At your appointment with your Parker, CO, dentist, measurements of your mouth are taken. Dr. Kattaura creates impressions of your teeth, sending them to a dental laboratory. You’ll then receive a personalized denture device. It’s important that you care for your dentures like you would natural teeth. Brush your gums, tongue, and the roof of your mouth every day before inserting your dentures. Don’t forget to clean them too!


If you or an elderly person are struggling with brushing, here are a few helpful tips. An electric toothbrush is easier to use for those who struggle with their hands. You can also elongate the brush handle. Wrap it in foam, rubber, or even tape tongue depressors to it. Specially designed toothbrushes are also available. You might also want to talk to your dentist about switching to a soft-bristled brush. These are much easier on your teeth.


Though dental care is important, it can also be expensive. Most residential areas offer programs that give reduced dental fees to elderly patients. Talk to your local public health or social services office.


Ardas Family Dental is located in Parker, CO. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Roopi Kattaura, visit our website or call 720-459-8420.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are restorative devices placed on the top and sides of a tooth. As we age, our teeth do as well. They begin to weaken, making problems like decay, discoloration, and cracks more common. Dental crowns correct these issues. If Dr. Kattaura identifies weakness or problems with one of your teeth, a dental crown is recommended. Ardas Family Dental is located in Parker, CO.


Your dental crown can be made of three different materials: porcelain, porcelain fused to metal, or full gold. Porcelain is the recommended option. It is the sturdiest and most natural looking in appearance.


The entire dental crown process takes 2-3 appointments with your Parker, CO, dentist. At the first visit, a local anesthetic is applied to the tooth. Dr. Kattaura then files down the enamel to reshape it. This allows the dental crown to fit correctly. After, a mold or impression of the tooth is made. The impression is sent to a dental laboratory to create your personalized crown. It will take between 2-3 weeks for the new crown to be completed. You will receive a temporary crown at this time.


At your final appointment, a local anesthetic is reapplied to the tooth. The permanent crown is cemented on. Crowns are incredibly durable and can last 10-15 years. Make sure to care for your dental crown and tooth like you would for any other.


Dental crowns are the key to restoring your smile. Your teeth are with you for the rest of your life, you might as well use them! Ardas Family Dental is located in Parker, CO. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Kattaura, visit our website or call 720-459-8420.


Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Occlusal Adjustment

Do you often wake up in the morning with sore jaws? Or feel like your jaw is off when you bite down? An occlusal adjustment can fix that. This procedure corrects the misalignment of the jaw. If left untreated, an array of dental problems can occur. Things like teeth sensitivity, teeth grinding, and chronic jaw pain are just a few of the results. If you experience any of these issues, contact Ardas Family Dental. Dr. Kattaura is a dedicated dental professional, providing occlusal adjustments to her patients.


Your jaw becomes misaligned from shifting, loose, crowded, or missing teeth. Your teeth are meant to come in a set. When one piece of the puzzle is missing, the entire mouth is thrown out of balance. An occlusal adjustment restores irregular pressure in the mouth caused by an unevenly distributed bite. It will also make your teeth meet properly.


The procedure itself is relatively harmless. Your Parker, CO, dentist drills into the jaw using a fine filing stone. Removal mouthpieces are also placed. These relax the jaw and protect your teeth. Dr. Kattaura identifies the problematic area through a computer scan of the mouth. This takes hundreds of pictures of your bite registrations. The data then identifies the irregularities.


There are a variety of problems that makes a patient eligible for an adjustment. The most common are patients with shifting teeth that prevent the teeth from meet properly. Patients who grind or clench are also eligible. Patients with sensitive teeth can benefit too.


If you or someone you know are suffering from jaw pain or a misaligned bite, contact Ardas Family Dental. Our office is located in Parker, CO. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Kattaura, visit our website or call 720-459-8420.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

The Benefits Of Using Mouthwash

Dr. Roopi Kattaura of Ardas Family Dental recommends using mouthwash in your daily dental routine. Mouthwash is a great way to thoroughly clean your mouth, as it can reach areas that other products can’t. It shouldn’t replace brushing and flossing but act as a supplement. Mouthwash keeps your mouth both clean and healthy! Learn more by contacting our office in Parker, CO.


Cosmetic and therapeutic are the two available mouthwash types. Therapeutic combats various dental problems like plaque, cavities, and gingivitis. Cosmetic is really only used for getting rid of bad breath. Make sure to read the packaging when purchasing to learn each mouthwashes specific benefits.


Here are the general guidelines for using mouthwash:


-Pour the recommended amount of mouthwash into the cap or cup, then transfer it to your mouth.

-Close your mouth, swishing it around vigorously. Do this for about 30 seconds.

-Spit the mouthwash into the sink when finished. Avoid swallowing it. It contains chemicals like fluoride, which can be harmful when ingested.

-Don’t drink or eat for 30 minutes after.


With so many available options, buying mouthwash can be overwhelming! That’s why your Parker dentist has provided these helpful tips. First, pay attention to the health benefits of each mouthwash. Not all products have the same effects or outcomes. If you’re interested in a mouthwash that fights gingivitis, look for a product that does so. For patients with sensitivities to certain dental chemicals, invest in natural or sensitivity-free brands. Avoid mouthwashes with alcohol in them when buying for others.


Besides using mouthwash, another great way to maintain a healthy mouth is by scheduling your six-month dental examination at Ardas Family Dental. Dr. Roopi Kattaura is available by appointment. Visit our website or call 720-459-8420 to learn more.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

A child’s baby teeth may not be permanent, but the effects of teaching them bad dental hygiene are. Baby teeth require just as much, if not more, care than their adult counterparts. Stronger materials make up adult teeth. This is why adults experience less tooth decay than children. Care for your child's teeth by scheduling them their first appointment at Ardas Family Dental. Otherwise, they’re at risk for Baby Bottle Tooth Decay. An appointment with Dr. Roopi Kattaura can prevent that.


Baby Bottle Tooth Decay describes the phenomenon of teeth decay in small children, including infants. Harmful bacteria create cavities in the mouth. Children are much more susceptible to these bacteria. Avoiding sugary substances is a great way to prevent cavities. It’s the biggest cause of Baby Bottle Tooth Decay, and as the name suggests it’s located right in their bottle. The American Dental Association states that infants should only be given breast milk, formula, and milk. Do not fill bottles with drinks high in sugar. This includes soda, sugar-water, and juice. Older children should drink mainly water. It contains cavity-fighting chemicals like fluoride.


Moisture leads to bacteria in the mouth. That’s why you should avoid giving your infant access to a bottle in their crib or bed. Pacifiers are another great conduct for bacteria. Clean them thoroughly and avoid dipping them in sugary substances like honey.


The other main source of bacteria happens between a mother and child. A mothers saliva contains harmful pathogens, and when those are transferred to an infant it results in Baby Bottle Tooth Decay. Avoid any unnecessary mouth-to-mouth contact. Don’t share food or clean off pacifiers with your mouth either.


Dr. Roopi Kattaura offers dental examinations for patients of all ages. This includes infants in need of their first dental visit. Schedule an appointment with Ardas Family Dental by calling 720-459-8420 or visiting the website. Our office is conveniently located in Parker, CO.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Cleaning Your Tongue

Your tongue is a crucial yet often ignored area of your mouth. Cleaning your tongue is a necessary part of your dental routine. That’s why Dr. Kattaura of Ardas Family Dental in Parker, CO, recommend Tongue Cleaners/Scrapers. These small dental appliances are sold at most grocery stores and supermarkets. Use them to scrape coatings of bacteria off your tongue. If you want to improve your health and breath, invest in tongue cleaners.


Tongue cleaners are simple and easy to use. Start off by placing it at the back of your tongue. Slowly bring it forward, scraping along the way. Make sure to rinse the tongue scraper off after bringing it all the way forward. Do this as many times as necessary. Tongues can become coated for a variety of different reasons, like smoking, yeast infections, medications, dry mouth, and poor oral health. Dead cells and bacteria make up the tongue coating.


There are many health benefits to using a tongue cleaner. The most obvious is that it removes harmful bacteria from your mouth. It’s also great for improving your breath. A healthier tongue leads to a healthier life. You can minimize your exposure to dental problems with a tongue cleaner. Some studies state that it even heightens your sense of taste.


Use your tongue scraper with caution. The rough edge that allows you to scrape can also hurt you if you’re not careful. Make sure not to go too far back and activate your gag reflex. Don’t put too much pressure when using the applicator as well.


Contact Ardas Family Dental for all your dental needs. Schedule an appointment with us today for your 6-month checkup. We are located in Parker, CO. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Kattaura, visit our website or call 720-459-8420.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Proper Flossing Technique

Flossing is often thought of as an optional dental practice. Dr. Kattaura of Ardas Family Dental argues otherwise. Many of our patients in Parker, CO, don’t understand that flossing is just as important as brushing. Not only are many patients not flossing, but they aren’t doing it properly either. That’s why we have provided this easy flossing guide.


It’s obvious to your Parker dental staff when you’re not flossing daily. The proper flossing technique makes a huge difference in your teeth. Start off by taking out about 18 inches of floss. Twirl one end around each of your middle fingers. One will twirl out the dirty floss, while the other rotates in clean floss. Next, move the floss between your teeth. Create a “C” shape around one of the two teeth. Clean the gap in an up and down motion. Do this for all of your teeth.


Flossing is necessary for having a clean mouth. Your toothbrush can’t reach every area. Flossing removes debris and food particles lodged in tough spots. Left between your teeth, they attract cavity-causing bacteria.


Dr. Kattaura has a few tips for patients struggling to floss. Different types and thicknesses of floss are available. If you can’t get reach tight gaps, a thinner floss will do the trick. Certain materials also make flossing easier. There are handheld flossing devices available in most stores. These are easily maneuverable and simple. Waterpiks are another option for flossing.


For more flossing and dental advice, contact Ardas Family Dental. We are located in Parker, CO. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Kattaura, visit our website or call 720-459-8420.

Thursday, May 30, 2019


It can be embarrassing when your teeth aren’t up to par. Partial crowns, called Inlays and Onlays, are restorative devices that correct your smile. At Ardas Family Dental, located in Parker, CO, Dr. Kattaura provides these services to our patients. Inlays/onlays attach to the base of your teeth, repairing damaged biting surfaces. You don’t have to be self-conscious of your smile any longer. Learn more about our restorative services.


A patient receives an inlay or an onlay depending on the extent of the damage to the teeth. Extensive decay to the cusps requires an onlay, otherwise, an inlay is used. They work by attaching to your natural teeth, creating a base for the restorative device. An inlay is bonded directly onto the enamel. The onlay is placed to essentially replace the cusps.


The procedure starts with your Parker dentist removing the decayed material from your teeth. A mold or impression is made from the newly shaped tooth. A dental laboratory uses that to create your personalized restorative device. Inlays/onlays are made from gold, porcelain, or composite resin. Porcelain is the recommended option. It’s the sturdiest and looks the closest in appearance to your natural teeth.


It will take between ten to fourteen days for your devices to be made. In the meantime, you’ll receive temporary inlays/onlays. The permanent ones will be attached at your followup appointment.


Learn to love the smile you’ve been given. Contact Ardas Family Dental in Parker, CO. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Kattaura, visit our website or call 720-459-8420.

Saturday, May 25, 2019


Within the oral cavity, there are two pieces of tissue called Frenulums. They attach your lower and upper lips to the gums. But what happens when your frenulum is too thick or small? It causes an array of issues, restricting the movement of the tongue. It interferes with speech and tooth alignment. Dr. Kattaura of Ardas Family Dental in Parker, CO, recommends a Frenectomy. It’s a minor procedure that corrects the sizing of the frenulum.


The two frenula are called the Lingual Frenum and the Labial Frenum. The lingual frenum connects the tongue to the floor of your mouth. An abnormal lingual frenum is what causes the “tongue-tied” sensation. The labial frenum creates a space between the front teeth. It connects the gum tissue through your teeth and onto the roof of the mouth.


Your Parker dentist performs the frenectomy in less than fifteen minutes. It can be done with either a scalpel or a laser. The laser is more effective, resulting in no bleeding and no stitches. Children and infants require general anesthesia. A local anesthetic is given to older patients.


Most patients report minimal pain and swelling following the procedure. Some patients compare the aftereffects to burning your mouth. Make sure to follow the post-operative instructions given. Continue to maintain your everyday dental hygiene routine.


To learn more about Frenctomy’s and our other services, contact Ardas Family Dental. Our office is in Parker, CO. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Kattaura, visit our website or call 720-459-8420.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are the perfect way to reinvent your entire smile. They are thin porcelain shells that are placed over your natural teeth. Veneers correct problems with cracked, stained, spaced, chipped, and misaligned teeth. If you are interested in these services, contact Ardas Family Dental, located in Parker, CO. Dr. Kattaura is available by appointment.


The entire process takes between 2-3 visits with your Parker, CO, dentist. Your first appointment is a consultation with Dr. Kattaura. There are many choices that come with dental veneers. It’s recommended you do some individual research beforehand. The two major choices are shape and coloring. In terms of shape, there are two available options: square and round. Many patients believe that the square is more masculine, while the round is more feminine. This isn’t true. Both shapes are available regardless of gender. Coloring refers to the veneers’ brightness. They’re available anywhere between natural to Hollywood levels of whiteness.


Once everything is decided, the next part of the process begins. Your teeth will first be prepared for placement. After they are cleaned, an impression or mold is taken. This impression is sent to a dental laboratory. They will create your customized veneers. It will take between 10-14 days to finish making them. In the meantime, you’ll be given a temporary set of veneers.



At your final appointment, Dr. Kattaura will check that your new veneers fit correctly. If so, they are permanently bonded to your teeth.


To learn more about dental veneers and our cosmetic services, contact Ardas Family Dental. Our office is located in Parker, CO. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Kattaura, visit our website or call 720-459-8420.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Root Canal Therapy

Endodontics is the dental specialty focused on the roots and nerves of the teeth. The root canal is the commonest procedure peformed. When a tooth becomes infected, a root canal is needed to remove the infected material from the nerves. Dr. Kattaura of Ardas Family Dental, located in Parker, CO, provides root canal therapy to her patients.


When a root becomes infected, action needs to be taken as soon as possible. Left untreated, the infection can spread or lead to bone loss in the jaw. Dr. Kattaura starts the procedure by numbing the area with a local anesthetic. This keeps you comfortable and experiencing minimal pain. Your Parker, CO, dentist drills into the tooth and opens the root canal. The infected material is removed. It is also thoroughly cleaned. Once finished, the tooth is closed with a sealant. It’s recommended that a dental crown is placed as well. This improves and speeds up the healing process.


With today's technology, root canals are a relatively harmless procedure. With the use of local anesthetics and pain medication, the procedure causes minimal discomfort. It is normal to experience soreness after the procedure. Over-the-counter pain medication should be enough to ease any pain or tenderness. Make sure to follow any and all post-operative instructions given.


Ardas Family Dental is located in Parker, CO. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Kattaura, visit our website or call 720-459-8420.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Bone Grafts

Dr. Kattaura of Ardas Family Dental, located in Parker, CO., offers dental surgery such as bone grafting to our patients. Bone grafting happens when a patients jawbone isn’t large enough or strong enough to support a dental implant. To remedy this, a procedure is done to enhance the jawbone.


When a patient has missing teeth that aren’t replaced, the bone that housed those teeth begins to degenerate. The teeth are needed to keep the bone strong. A bone graft then becomes necessary in order to receive a dental implant. Bone grafts can also be used to repair compromised implant sites, structural damage, gum disease, and injuries. At your appointment with Dr. Kattaura, an x-ray will be taken of your mouth and jaw. From here, it can be determined how much jaw bone is needed. Commonly, the bone graft is taken from a bone in another area of the mouth. Other times the bone will be acquired from a tissue bank.


At the procedure, you will most likely be placed under general anesthesia. An incision in the skin will be made upon the designated area. The bone will be put into place using pins, plates, screws, wires, and/or cables. Once finished, Dr. Kattaura will stitch and bandage the area.


Recovery depends on the patient's health and the size of the graft. Recovery can range between two weeks to a full year. Remember to follow any and all post-operative instructions. Avoid vigorous activity while healing.


If you are in need of an oral surgeon or bone graft, schedule an appointment at Ardas Family Dental, located in Parker, CO. Dr. Kattaura is available through appointment. To schedule an appointment, visit our website or call 720-459-8420.






Wednesday, March 27, 2019


The temporomandibular joint, or TMJ, is the joint connecting your jawbone to your skull at the temporal bone. This joint controls many everyday necessary functions like talking and chewing. If you experience pain in your jaw when eating, chewing, or any other time, don’t wait to call Dr. Kattaura at Ardas Family Dental, located in Parker, CO. You may be experiencing temporomandibular disorder, or TMD.


TMD can be caused by stress, teeth grinding, or clenching of the jaw muscles. The main symptoms are pain when opening or closing mouth, trouble chewing, jaw becoming stuck open or shut, headaches or ear pain, clicking or popping sounds when opening your mouth, and teeth grinding.


Teeth grinding is a problematic symptom of TMD. When you grind your teeth, the top and bottom rows are scraping against each other. Eventually, this will wear down the enamel on your teeth. This exposes the dentin within. Dentin is sensitive, and exposure causes a handful of different issues. This includes opening a pathway for harmful bacteria.


For short term relief, hot/cold packs can be applied in 15-minute intervals to the affected area. Over-the-counter pain relievers are also helpful. For long term effects and treatment, an appointment with Dr. Kattaura is needed. Dr. Kattaura can give you a mouth guard, which will prevent your teeth from grinding together. In severe cases, surgery may be required.


If you suspect you have TMD, contact Ardas Family Dental for a consultation. Our office is located in Parker, CO. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Kattaura, visit our website or call 720-459-8420.


Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Teeth Whitening

At Ardas Family Dental, located in Parker, CO., we know that you deserve a perfect smile. But keeping your teeth white is harder than it sounds. That's why Dr. Kattaura offers teeth whitening services for our clients. Teeth whitening is a safe and easy way to restore the natural coloring of your teeth.


Teeth can become discolored for a variety of reasons. Foods that are high in tannic acids, like grapes and tea, are common culprits. Coffee and cigarettes are major ones as well. For some, simply cutting back on these items is enough to restore their smile. Teeth whitening is used when a little extra help is needed.


There are two steps to the teeth whitening process. At your first appointment with Dr. Kattaura, an impression of your teeth will be taken. At Ardas Dental, we use a tray whitening system. This means that the impression of your teeth will be used to create custom whitening trays. A dental laboratory will receive your impression and create the trays for us.


At your second appointment, you will receive your whitening trays. Dr. Kattaura will instruct you on how to use them. All you have to do is place the whitening gel into the trays, then insert the trays onto your teeth. Dr. Kattaura will tell you how many days to wear the trays and for how long. After a short amount of time, you should notice a whiter smile of 4-8 shades.


To learn more about our teeth whitening services, contact Ardas Family Dental, located in Parker, CO. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Kattaura, visit our website or call 720-459-8420.


Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Night Guards

Teeth grinding, or bruxism, is when a patient grinds their teeth. This destroys the enamel of the teeth, exposing the dentin. This can lead to teeth sensitivity, and open the gateway for bacteria. The majority of patients who experience bruxism have it happen while they're sleeping. At Ardas Family Dental, located in Parker, CO., Dr. Kattaura offers the solution in the form of night guards.


Grinding your teeth can lead to permanent enamel damage, jaw pain, and irritated gums. The night guard can prevent all that. Night guards are very similar to the mouth guards worn by athletes. These removable, clear devices are inserted into your mouth and over your top teeth. It works as a barrier between the top and bottom teeth, preventing them from grinding together.


Night guards are custom made and properly fitted to your teeth and your teeth only. At your appointment with Dr. Kattaura, an impression of your teeth will be made. This impression will be sent to a dental laboratory to be constructed. Once you receive your night guard, it can be used for up to ten years.


There are other things that can be done to help prevent teeth grinding. Try to refrain from chewing gum or other objects like pens. Alcoholic drinks and caffeine also increase the likelihood of grinding.


If you suspect you may be grinding your teeth at night, don’t wait to contact Ardas Family Dental. Our office is located in Parker, CO. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Kattaura, visit our website or call 720-459-8420.


Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Preventing Bad Breath

We want all our patients at Ardas Family Dental in Parker to feel confident in their mouth’s beauty. There are lots of cosmetic options available for straighter, whiter teeth, but halitosis can mar a lovely-looking smile. Worse, it could be a sign of a disease, which is why we want our patients to understand why they should take it seriously.

Pathogenic oral bacteria emit a foul odor. This is obvious when they eat food debris lodged in between teeth and build up as tartar, but it is also true when they are hiding in the crevices of the tongue. Bacteria can consume things like nasal drip that you wouldn’t think of as food, which is why brushing and scraping the tongue is so important. Dry mouth will enable bacteria to grow more rapidly and consume debris that isn’t being washed away by saliva, so you may need to ask your doctor about switching away from medications that cause dry mouth as a side effect.

Some conditions make dry mouth or tooth decay likelier. Diabetes impedes the immune system’s function and raises saliva’s sugar content. Acid reflux can cause stomach acid to enter the oral cavity. Foods that commonly trigger acid reflux, such as onions and garlic, also contain the chemicals that enter the lungs through the bloodstream and cause bad breath from there, although that is not a serious health concern. The best way to prevent halitosis is by drinking lots of water and by using a humidifier to keep the mouth moisturized while asleep.

Dr. Roopi Kattaura operates Ardas Family Dental at 10233 S Parker Rd, Suite 205, Parker, Colorado. Call 720-459-8420 or visit Ardas Family Dental and fill out a contact sheet.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Choosing a Toothbrush

At Ardas Family Dental, we advise our patients to brush twice a day to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. It is important that you use a toothbrush that you’re comfortable using and that is cleaning your teeth effectively. Choosing the right toothbrush can be difficult, which is why we encourage our patients to ask us for advice.  

Our dentists encourage our patients to use a soft-bristled toothbrush with a small-headed brush. Most dental professionals agree that soft-bristled toothbrushes clean your teeth the best and remove bacteria and plaque. The small-headed toothbrushes are more versatile and can reach every part of your teeth and gums.

Regardless of the type of toothbrush you use, as long you’re cleaning for a full two minutes with fluoride toothpaste any toothbrush will do. We recommend to our patients to use an electric toothbrush if they have trouble reaching certain areas of their mouth as they clean more thoroughly.

Don’t forget to change your toothbrush every 3-4 months or when the bristles begin to harden to maximize your brushing.

Dr. Roopi Kattaura operates Ardas Family Dental at 10233 S Parker Rd, Suite 205, Parker, Colorado. Call 720-459-8420 or visit Ardas Family Dental and fill out a contact sheet.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Infections around Crowns

Ardas Family Dental in Parker carefully monitors the progression of our pediatric patients’ teeth. Misalignments can make flossing and brushing difficult, disrupt the bite, and contribute to a low self-image. But there is an additional risk when a tooth is impacted, meaning it is unable to erupt fully. Such a tooth could become the site of pericoronitis—infection around a crown.

Orthodontic work is usually done when children are between the ages of eleven and fourteen. At that age, they have most of their permanent teeth, but their jaws are still malleable. The wisdom teeth often do not erupt until late adolescence, and there is usually not enough room for them to emerge without disrupting other teeth. The lower ones are especially at risk of becoming impacted part-way, resulting in them being partly covered by a flap of gum tissue called an operculum. The operculum is a trap for food debris and oral bacteria, which will result in inflammation.

There are some easy ways to combat oral infections. A patient could take antibiotics and swish salt water around in their mouth twice a day. But an operculum is very difficult to clean, and infections will likely reoccur as long as it exists. Wisdom tooth extractions are among our routine services at Ardas Family Dental, and when patients visit us regularly, we’ll be able to identify dangerous situations and take care of them before pericoronitis develops.

Dr. Roopi Kattaura operates Ardas Family Dental at 10233 S Parker Rd, Suite 205, Parker, Colorado. Call 720-459-8420 or visit Ardas Family Dental and fill out a contact sheet.

Monday, February 11, 2019

National Children's Dental Health Month

At Ardas Family Dental, we stress the importance of taking care of your children’s teeth from an early age. As soon as their baby teeth come in, we advise you to bring your children in for a dental cleaning. The earlier you begin to take care of your children’s teeth and gums, the greater their chance for healthy teeth when they’re older.

Every February is National Children’s Dental Health Month, which raises awareness about the importance of oral health. Tooth decay is the most common chronic disease in children, although it is preventable when they practice good oral hygiene. We advise our patients to brush twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and floss to prevent cavities.

We encourage our patients to eat a healthy diet with a lot of fruits and vegetables. Consuming foods and drinks that contain too much sugar and acids put kids at a greater risk of tooth decay and cavities.

Don’t forget to begin brushing your children’s teeth as soon as their baby teeth come in. Although they will fall out, pain from tooth decay can delay a child's development. Good oral hygiene at a young age will set them up for a lifetime of good oral health.

To learn more about the services we provide at our practice, or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Roopi Kattaura of Ardas Family Dental, visit for more information or call 720-459-8420. 

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Smoking and Pulp Infections

You doubtlessly knew that smoking isn’t good for your mouth, but you may not have known it can hurt your dental pulp. Although prosthetic teeth have helped many people, we at Ardas Family Dental try our best to preserve the natural dental structure of a patient with a toothache. But new research has shown that smoking makes it particularly difficult to treat dental pulp infections.

The pulp inside a tooth can become inflamed in response to an injury or an infection. Inflammation is a part of the body’s immune response, as are antimicrobial peptides inside the dental pulp. These tiny bits of amino acid kill the bacteria responsible for infections, but smokers have suppressed immune systems. We already knew that smokers suffered from higher rates of gum disease, but new research has shown that smokers also lack antimicrobial peptides in their dental pulp.

We can use root canal therapy to remove infected dental pulp and seal a tooth shut, eliminating the source of a patient’s discomfort. But with a suppressed immune system, there is a higher risk of the infection returning. There is good news: some smokers who quit produced new antimicrobial peptides. In addition to other benefits, if a patient quits smoking, they may be less likely to require a root canal in the future.

Dr. Roopi Kattaura operates Ardas Family Dental at 10233 S Parker Rd, Suite 205, Parker, Colorado. Call 720-459-8420 or visit Ardas Family Dental and fill out a contact sheet.


Friday, January 18, 2019

New Year Specials

This past year at Ardas Family Dental we saw our amazing family grow with so many new patients. From Dr. Roopie Kattaura and everybody here, we want to thank everybody or the support and trusting us with your teeth. We do our best to care possible for our patients and do everything we can to make sure the experience is a family like atmosphere.

To show our appreciation for our patients, we are offering some specials for both pre-existing and new patients. Right now patients can get a cleaning, x-rays, and a comprehensive exam for just 89 dollars, regular 290 dollar value. We are also offering free second opinion and consultations, along with 100 dollars off any dental treatment. Some exclusion may apply to these specials and can be found on our website.

Thank you to all of our patients who choose Ardas Family Dental for all their dental needs, we hope you take advantage of our New Year specials and let’s make 2019 the healthiest year for oral hygiene!

If you have any questions or concerns with your oral health visit our website at and to schedule an appointment with Dr. Roopi Kattaura of Ardas Family Dental, visit Restorative Dentist Parker, CO, call 720-459-8420.

Friday, January 11, 2019


Invisalign is a new system of straightening teeth without the use of conventional braces. A series of clear plastic aligners are utilized to create tooth movement. New technology has developed that can generate a series of aligners with small changes to it and don’t require traditional braces. A new aligner is given to patients every few weeks to continue moving the teeth into the desired position. They are made from a clear plastic or acrylic material and fit tightly over the teeth, but can be removed for eating, brushing, and flossing. At Ardas Family Dental we make the aligners so they are virtually impossible to notice, comfortable, and easy to wear.

The use of Invisalign is not recommended for kids who need to straighten their teeth because their mouth and teeth are still developing and require traditional braces. Invisalign is recommended for patients who are fully developed and have only mild to moderate cases of spacing and crowding.

Dr. Roopie Kattaura will be able to diagnose the proper treatment needed to straighten teeth and see if Invisalign is right for you.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding Invisalign visit our website at and to schedule an appointment with Dr. Roopi Kattaura of Ardas Family Dental, visit Restorative Dentist Parker, CO, call 720-459-8420.