Ardas Family Dental

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Gum Abscess Treatment at Ardas Family Dental

Although many people suffer from bleeding gums, they’re not something you should think of as normal. Bleeding, redness, and soreness are all potential signs of gum disease. We’ve helped a lot of people with their oral hygiene at Ardas Family Dental in Parker, but it’s much easier to eliminate gum disease when it’s caught early. Otherwise, a patient may form a gum abscess.

Pus is a liquid made up of dead tissue, bacteria, and bacterial waste. An abscess is a pocket of pus that forms as a result of an infection. Gingival abscesses are those near the gum line. If a gum infection is allowed to grow, the walls of a gum pocket surrounding a tooth may become loose and form a pocket. A periodontal abscess is an abscess that forms within the infected gum pocket, and in addition to causing pain and a bad smell, it could also cause the patient to develop a fever and have difficulty working their jaw.

If the gums are badly infected, a patient should be prepared for the possibility that their dental pulp is, too. Regardless of whether we do a root canal to remove infected pulp, we’ll need to drain the pus out of the gum abscess. After removing infected gum tissue, we may do a process called planing to the tooth root, in which we smooth it. This will deprive bacteria of crevices to hide in, making it easier for hygienists to do deep cleanings on in the future.

Dr. Roopi Kattaura operates Ardas Family Dental at 10233 S Parker Rd, Suite 205, Parker, Colorado. Call 720-459-8420 or visit Ardas Family Dental and fill out a contact sheet.

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