Ardas Family Dental

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Teeth Extraction: Periodontal Sectioning

Though modern medicine keeps the pain levels during a tooth extraction to a minimum, it’s still an uncomfortable process. No one enjoys getting a tooth pulled. That’s why Dr. Roopi Kattaura offers Periodontal Sectioning. It’s an easier form of extraction where the tooth is broken into multiple pieces before removal. To learn more, contact our office in Parker, CO.


Three situations call for sectioning: wisdom teeth, multi-faceted or unique teeth, and pediatric extraction. Each are very different yet require the same procedure. Your Parker, CO, dentist is more than happy to provide this procedural technique. The most common of the three types are wisdom teeth. Your wisdom teeth are the final set of molars to erupt. They’re located in the very back of the gums. By nature, wisdom teeth are incredibly big. That’s why sectioning is necessary. It’s the only way to remove them. Uniquely rooted teeth need sectioning for the same reasoning. The roots of these teeth are very long and intricate. They are tough and refuse removal. With sectioning, the tooth is broken up and the pulp severed. Lastly, pediatric extraction requires sectioning. The procedure itself requires much less force than a normal extraction. This is perfect for children. It’s much less painful and intimidating. It also leaves a smaller cut in the patient's mouth. The child will have a shorter and easier recovery time then.


The procedure starts with a numbing agent. You’ll either receive a local anesthetic or a generalized one. After it has set in, your dentist severs the pulp. A dental drill breaks the tooth into pieces. Each section will be removed and the area sanitized. After everything is complete, stitches close up the incision.


The anesthetic keeps pain levels to a minimum during the procedure. Afterward, use over-the-counter or prescription pain medication. You’ll need to follow the post-operative instructions for a successful recovery. Avoid all vigorous activity. Do not eat any hard, spicy, or hot foods. Contact your dentist with any questions.


Tooth extraction doesn’t have to be a scary process with Dr. Roopi Kattaura. Schedule an appointment with Ardas Family Dental in Parker, CO, by calling 720-459-8420 or visiting our website.

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