Ardas Family Dental

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Geriatric Patients

Your dental health is important no matter how old you are. This includes when you reach 60+ years old. Different dental concerns come to light as you age. Teeth naturally weaken, creating leeway for gum disease, tooth decay, and dentures. Dr. Roopi Kattaura offers dental services for all ages. Learn more by contacting Ardas Family Dental in Parker, CO.


If you live or take care of an elderly person, it’s important you help them with their dental health. Remind them to floss, brush, and go to dental examinations. If older individuals struggle with dementia or using their hands, assist them in these tasks. A little help goes a long way.


Dentures are replacements for extracted teeth. Both complete and partial sets are available. At your appointment with your Parker, CO, dentist, measurements of your mouth are taken. Dr. Kattaura creates impressions of your teeth, sending them to a dental laboratory. You’ll then receive a personalized denture device. It’s important that you care for your dentures like you would natural teeth. Brush your gums, tongue, and the roof of your mouth every day before inserting your dentures. Don’t forget to clean them too!


If you or an elderly person are struggling with brushing, here are a few helpful tips. An electric toothbrush is easier to use for those who struggle with their hands. You can also elongate the brush handle. Wrap it in foam, rubber, or even tape tongue depressors to it. Specially designed toothbrushes are also available. You might also want to talk to your dentist about switching to a soft-bristled brush. These are much easier on your teeth.


Though dental care is important, it can also be expensive. Most residential areas offer programs that give reduced dental fees to elderly patients. Talk to your local public health or social services office.


Ardas Family Dental is located in Parker, CO. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Roopi Kattaura, visit our website or call 720-459-8420.

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