Ardas Family Dental

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Periodontal Splinting

A loose tooth is a serious matter. When you were a child, it signified a visit from the Tooth Fairy. Now, it means a trip to Ardas Family Dental is in order. Dr. Roopi Kattaura can save you from extraction with a procedure called Periodontal Splinting. The loose teeth are attached to the stronger ones, creating widespread stability. The causes of looseness are periodontal (gum) disease, misalignment, or injury. Learn more at our office in Parker, CO.


Teeth extraction is not a pleasant process. Though modern medicine keeps pain to a minimum, recovery afterward is rough. Periodontal Splinting saves both time and money. Temporary and permanent splinting are the available kinds. Whether your looseness is short-term or long-term effects which splint you get. Temporary is better suited for injuries, while permanent offers a solution for misalignment or gum disease. Intra-coronal and extra-coronal are the two types of temporary splinting. The difference lies in how they attach to the teeth. Extra-coronal is attached straight to the enamel. Intra-coronal splints require a channel on the back of the teeth. Permanent splinting is also available. This procedure is more advanced than temporary splints. Each of the loose teeth receives a dental crown. Placed between each is a splint. It fuses them, strengthening the teeth.


Contact your Parker, CO, dentist immediately after a loose tooth is noticed. Early treatment is the only way to prevent extraction. Otherwise, the loose tooth will damage the surrounding dental structures. Infection can also occur. You will need a professional dental examination to determine the cause and treatment. Advanced stage periodontal disease is a common culprit. One of the only noticeable symptoms is loose teeth. Gum disease sets in when you neglect your oral health. Brushing, flossing, and regular dental examinations prevent this. Personal injury, like a hit to the face, also knocks teeth loose. This often happens during sports. In the future, use a mouthguard to protect your teeth from harm. Lastly, grinding moves teeth out-of-place. This puts unnecessary pressure on them. It pushes your teeth out of their allotted spots, producing the misalignment. Wear a nightguard while asleep to prevent this.


Ardas Family Dental is located in Parker, CO. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Roopi Kattaura, visit her website or call 720-459-8420.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Teeth Extraction: Periodontal Sectioning

Though modern medicine keeps the pain levels during a tooth extraction to a minimum, it’s still an uncomfortable process. No one enjoys getting a tooth pulled. That’s why Dr. Roopi Kattaura offers Periodontal Sectioning. It’s an easier form of extraction where the tooth is broken into multiple pieces before removal. To learn more, contact our office in Parker, CO.


Three situations call for sectioning: wisdom teeth, multi-faceted or unique teeth, and pediatric extraction. Each are very different yet require the same procedure. Your Parker, CO, dentist is more than happy to provide this procedural technique. The most common of the three types are wisdom teeth. Your wisdom teeth are the final set of molars to erupt. They’re located in the very back of the gums. By nature, wisdom teeth are incredibly big. That’s why sectioning is necessary. It’s the only way to remove them. Uniquely rooted teeth need sectioning for the same reasoning. The roots of these teeth are very long and intricate. They are tough and refuse removal. With sectioning, the tooth is broken up and the pulp severed. Lastly, pediatric extraction requires sectioning. The procedure itself requires much less force than a normal extraction. This is perfect for children. It’s much less painful and intimidating. It also leaves a smaller cut in the patient's mouth. The child will have a shorter and easier recovery time then.


The procedure starts with a numbing agent. You’ll either receive a local anesthetic or a generalized one. After it has set in, your dentist severs the pulp. A dental drill breaks the tooth into pieces. Each section will be removed and the area sanitized. After everything is complete, stitches close up the incision.


The anesthetic keeps pain levels to a minimum during the procedure. Afterward, use over-the-counter or prescription pain medication. You’ll need to follow the post-operative instructions for a successful recovery. Avoid all vigorous activity. Do not eat any hard, spicy, or hot foods. Contact your dentist with any questions.


Tooth extraction doesn’t have to be a scary process with Dr. Roopi Kattaura. Schedule an appointment with Ardas Family Dental in Parker, CO, by calling 720-459-8420 or visiting our website.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Geriatric Patients

Your dental health is important no matter how old you are. This includes when you reach 60+ years old. Different dental concerns come to light as you age. Teeth naturally weaken, creating leeway for gum disease, tooth decay, and dentures. Dr. Roopi Kattaura offers dental services for all ages. Learn more by contacting Ardas Family Dental in Parker, CO.


If you live or take care of an elderly person, it’s important you help them with their dental health. Remind them to floss, brush, and go to dental examinations. If older individuals struggle with dementia or using their hands, assist them in these tasks. A little help goes a long way.


Dentures are replacements for extracted teeth. Both complete and partial sets are available. At your appointment with your Parker, CO, dentist, measurements of your mouth are taken. Dr. Kattaura creates impressions of your teeth, sending them to a dental laboratory. You’ll then receive a personalized denture device. It’s important that you care for your dentures like you would natural teeth. Brush your gums, tongue, and the roof of your mouth every day before inserting your dentures. Don’t forget to clean them too!


If you or an elderly person are struggling with brushing, here are a few helpful tips. An electric toothbrush is easier to use for those who struggle with their hands. You can also elongate the brush handle. Wrap it in foam, rubber, or even tape tongue depressors to it. Specially designed toothbrushes are also available. You might also want to talk to your dentist about switching to a soft-bristled brush. These are much easier on your teeth.


Though dental care is important, it can also be expensive. Most residential areas offer programs that give reduced dental fees to elderly patients. Talk to your local public health or social services office.


Ardas Family Dental is located in Parker, CO. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Roopi Kattaura, visit our website or call 720-459-8420.