Ardas Family Dental

Saturday, December 2, 2017

The Diabetes-Gum Disease Connection

In Parker, Colorado, we at Ardas Family Dental are particularly attentive to the needs of our diabetic patients. Diabetes puts people at heightened risk for gum disease, which is why we want to educate our patients about it and emphasize the importance of oral hygiene.

Gum inflammation is called gingivitis. It occurs as a result of bacteria in the gum pockets producing a large amount of acid. The acid is a by-product of bacteria feeding on sugar, so when they have more sugar to feed on, they multiply faster, produce more acid, and cause more damage to the gums. The acid becomes trapped in a sticky substance on the teeth called plaque, and if gingivitis isn’t stopped, it could progress into a much more serious ailment, periodontal disease.

People with diabetes have a harder time fighting off infections. There is also evidence that periodontal disease makes it harder for the body to regulate glucose levels. When glucose levels are poorly controlled, gum disease is more likely to develop and worsen. What all this means is that diabetic people need to make sure they are keeping regular dental appointments and keeping us informed if they are having difficulty controlling their blood sugar levels.

Dr. Roopi Kattaura operates Ardas Family Dental at 10233 S Parker Rd, Suite 205, Parker, Colorado. To learn more about diabetes and oral health, call 720-459-8420 or visit and fill out a contact sheet.

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