Ardas Family Dental

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Alcohol and Oral Cancer

One of our many services at Ardas Family Dental in Parker, Colorado is screening for oral cancer. In recent years, the public has become more aware of the dangers of tobacco and HPV, but in November, the American Society of Clinical Oncology announced that alcohol also drives up oral cancer rates.

It was long known that alcohol combined with tobacco use was a major cause of oral cancer, but it was difficult to get data on the two factors independent of each other. What is new about the ASCO study is that it found that alcohol alone increases a person’s risk and that this is true even for light drinkers. Why, exactly, remains unclear. It could be that alcohol breaks down mouth tissue and when the tissue rebuilds, the DNA is damaged, resulting in the growth of cancerous tissue. In any case, which kind of alcohol is consumed appears to be irrelevant, and heavy drinkers are at the most risk.

Oral cancer is far from the only kind linked to alcohol, but cancers of the aerodigestive tract (which includes the mouth and esophagus) are unique in that the risk of cancer is known to decline if the patient stops drinking. Ardas Family Dental also provides reconstructive work for those already battling cancer.

Dr. Roopi Kattaura operates Ardas Family Dental at 10233 S Parker Rd, Suite 205, Parker, Colorado. To learn more about diabetes and oral health, call 720-459-8420 or visit and fill out a contact sheet.

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