Ardas Family Dental

Friday, May 6, 2022

What is a Simplant?

If you’re interested in receiving fast, precise implants in ParkerCODr. Roopi Kattaura offers the SimPlant procedure at Ardas Family Dental to help you receive the results you desire.


What Is SimPlant?

SimPlant is a type of technology utilized to provide a better dental implant process. Traditionally, dentists have had to rely on the 2D imaging provided by standard X-rays. Unfortunately, 2D imaging can only provide so much information. Therefore, the traditional implant process would often present challenges that could not be foreseen before the procedure began.

These challenges could impact the success of the procedure, including placing the implant in the best position. Without an accurate view of the patient’s anatomy, the implant procedure could potentially damage nerves, sinuses, and healthy tissues that could be avoided altogether.

SimPlant software provides a 3D view through cone beam scans and digital impressions, which offer a precise look at the patient’s dental anatomy. It then helps Dr. Kattaura at Ardas Family Dental know exactly where and how to place the implants.


Benefits of SimPlant in ParkerCO

There are many benefits that SimPlant provides, including the two listed below.

Minimally Invasive Procedure

Thanks to the software, Dr. Kattaura knows exactly how to carry out the procedure. It guides her throughout the process, meaning that fewer incisions must be made.

Faster Process

SimPlant offers a more precise procedure, leading to less guesswork and fewer unforeseen challenges. This means you spend less time in the chair.

Faster Recovery

This process also leads to fewer incisions. And the precision means less chance of infection. All of this means that healing occurs at a much faster pace.


Generally speaking, SimPlant is one of the best methods for receiving your implants. A visit to Dr. Kattaura can help determine if this is the best solution for your dental needs.

If you would like to schedule your appointment with Dr. Kattaura or if you want to learn more about the SimPlant process in ParkerCOcall Ardas Family Dental at (720) 706-4430.

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