Ardas Family Dental

Friday, September 24, 2021

Acid Reflux in Parker, CO

If your teeth are sensitive, it means something is wrong with them and you should get them examined. Ardas Family Dental in Parker provides treatments for a wide range of dental problems, and we believe everybody is entitled to comfortable, functional teeth. There are several potential contributors to tooth sensitivity, including bacterial infection and nighttime jaw clenching. But if you’re older or a smoker, one source of toothaches to consider is acid reflux.

The powerful acid in our stomach is sealed off from the esophagus by a sphincter. Normally, this sphincter only opens to admit food into the stomach, but there are times when it can get stuck open or open in response to swallowing or upheaval in the stomach. When that happens, acidic gas bubbles up, causing chemical damage to the esophagus and the painful sensation we call heartburn. Although enamel is much harder than esophageal lining, if acid is frequently entering the back of the mouth, it can slowly dissolve enamel, starting with the upper back teeth. This would ultimately leave teeth with less shielding for their nerves.

Acid reflux is more likely to occur in people who smoke, consume alcohol, or who eat foods such as red meat, onions and garlic, chocolate, or citrus fruits, particularly in large quantities before bed. Preventing acid reflux would usually require a change in lifestyle, although a gastrologist may be able to provide medication. A dentist may be able to recognize acid reflux by the distinctive pattern of wear it leaves. If acid reflux is suspected, patients may benefit from the application of sealants and fluoride treatments for more shielding, and from chewing artificial gum to stimulate the production of more saliva, diluting the acid.

Dr. Roopi Kattaura operates Ardas Family Dental at 10233 S Parker Rd, Suite 205, Parker, Colorado. Call 720-459-8420.

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