Ardas Family Dental

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Tray Whitening at Ardas Family Dental

Your smile should be a source of pride. At Ardas Family Dental in Parker, patients’ health is our top priority, and we’ve helped many patients to combat dental and gum infections and restore the structure of their teeth. But cosmetic problems also deserve attention, and feeling confident in the appearance of your teeth is also a major factor in your wellbeing. If your teeth don’t shine the way you would like, you may benefit from the use of tray whitening.

Although there are numerous reasons why teeth can be discolored, most stains are on the outside of teeth and result from the consumption of dark-colored fluids. Coffee, tea, and cola are frequent culprits, although some darkening is inevitable with the passage of time, and smokers also experience high rates of discoloration. Dental bleaching paste breaks down the dark-colored molecules in the outer layers of teeth, but it’s important to use it only as directed. An impression will be made of the patient’s teeth and used to manufacture a series of trays. At home, the patient will fill the trays with whitening paste and wear the tray for the amount of time prescribed.

How long patients will have to wear the trays will depend on their goal. People frequently use at-home whitening for touch-ups before special events, but if a person’s teeth are dark-colored to start with, the process may take a few weeks. Nevertheless, they can expect their teeth to turn four to eight shades lighter, and remain so for about a year. Whitening can make the teeth more sensitive, but the custom-fitted trays should prevent the bleach from coming into contact with the patient’s gums, and patients will be able to brush their teeth as normal once their whitening process is finished.

Dr. Roopi Kattaura operates Ardas Family Dental at 10233 S Parker Rd, Suite 205, Parker, Colorado. Call 720-459-8420.

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