Ardas Family Dental

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

What Do Sealants Do?

Visiting the dentist isn’t just an opportunity to get your teeth cleaned. As important as that is, at Ardas Family Dental in Parker we provide preventive care in addition to responding to problems. We hope all our patients are brushing and flossing on their own, but almost everybody could benefit from getting sealants. Although mostly associated with pediatric dentistry, sealants can be provided to people of any age, so let’s take a closer look at what this topical treatment does to combat tooth decay before it starts.

Tooth decay occurs when bacteria secrete acid, which gets stuck in saliva and hardens into tartar. Enamel may also be eroded by acid that is introduced to it directly, such as through drinks that contain citrus fruit juices or when stomach acid is regurgitated. We recommend that people brush their teeth after eating in order to remove the bacteria’s food source and that they drink plenty of water so that they can produce large amounts of saliva. But sealants create a physical barrier separating the surface of a tooth from acid in the place where decay is most likely to occur: the grinding surfaces of the molars and premolars.

The process of getting a sealant is simple. After cleaning and polishing the teeth, a dentist will apply a mild acid to them to roughen them enough to increase their surface area. The sealant will then be painted on as liquid plastic and hardened with a light. The patient will soon be eating normally, but with the indentations of their chewing teeth filled in just enough to make them easier to brush. The plastic sealant does not relieve a patient of their responsibility to brush and floss regularly, but it does reduce how quickly acid will be able to create cavities. If a patient maintains their oral hygiene, a sealant can usually last for several years.

Dr. Roopi Kattaura operates Ardas Family Dental at 10233 S Parker Rd, Suite 205, Parker, Colorado. Call 720-459-8420.

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