Ardas Family Dental

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Tongue Cleaning For Children


As a parent, your biggest and most responsibility in life is taking care of your children. This includes dental hygiene! Most people don’t realize that their tongue is just as important. That’s why it requires daily cleaning. Dr. Roopi Kattaura recommends tongue cleaners for children. We believe healthy habits follow children into adulthood. To learn more, contact Ardas Family Dental in Parker, CO.

Children’s teeth, which are commonly referred to as baby teeth, are much softer than their adult counterparts. This puts them at a higher risk of developing cavities. Teaching your child to brush their tongue minimizes the risk. The tongue is naturally sticky, holding onto debris and bacteria. Scraping your tongue removes the unhealthy coatings. Some research even shows that it can increase your sense of taste.

In a tight pinch, your child’s toothbrush is perfect for tongue cleaning. But why not get them the best? Most grocery stores and supermarkets sell tongue cleaners for kids. These are sorted by age range to guarantee it works. Make sure it isn’t any wider than your child’s tongue. Your Parker, CO, dentist recommends you wait until your child is five years old before tongue cleaning.

First, demonstrate how the tongue cleaner works. Go to the bathroom and have your child stand in front of the mirror. It’s important that they can see themselves. Ask them to stick out their tongue. While they watch in the mirror, guide the tongue scraper in their hand. Move it from the back of the tongue to the tip. Instruct them to rinse the tongue cleaner each time.

Children are the future, which is why you should guarantee their future health with bi-annual dental checkups. Ardas Family Dental is located in Parker, CO. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Roopi Kattaura, call 720-459-8420 or visit

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