Ardas Family Dental

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Toothroot Cavities in Parker, Colorado

Tooth decay is a common problem. It is particularly devastating to children, older adults, and people with certain disabilities, who have a harder time caring for themselves and may develop more extensive decay more quickly. At Ardas Family Dental in Parker, we assist people of all ages with preventive care as well as dental restorations. But if decay is occurring at or below the gum line, a patient may require more intensive treatment, which is why we wanted to focus on it for this week’s blog.

The crowns of our teeth, which are the parts we can normally see, are covered in a hard substance called enamel. It takes a lot of decay to dissolve enough enamel for an infection to reach the pulp of a tooth. However, the tooth roots are covered in a much softer substance called cementum, which serves to seal them to the walls of a gum pocket. Plaque and tartar, which develop from acid-producing bacteria getting caught on tooth surfaces, tend to accumulate at the place where crowns meet the gum line. They can cause gum tissue to recede and expose the tooth roots, which are then vulnerable to decay. The gum pockets may also become looser, allowing bacteria to colonize the space in between the gum wall and the tooth roots while remaining out of reach of a patient’s toothbrush. As the hardest teeth to brush, the back molars are the most vulnerable to developing tooth root cavities.

During regular dental appointments, we remove the tartar that builds up near the gum line. Our x-rays also help us to determine if a patient is experiencing decay on their tooth roots. If so, they will require a deep cleaning, which means that we will scrape bacteria out of their gum pockets after providing a local anesthetic. But if a tooth root is damaged, the tooth may have to be replaced with an implant. Restorations work best when decay is caught early, so don’t neglect regular dental cleanings. And if you are experiencing tooth sensitivity or gum bleeding, don’t hesitate to see us right away.

Dr. Roopi Kattaura operates Ardas Family Dental at 10233 S Parker Rd, Suite 205, Parker, Colorado. Call 720-459-8420 or visit Ardas Family Dental and fill out a contact sheet.

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