Ardas Family Dental

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Tooth Sensitivity in Parker, Colorado

You shouldn’t have to be afraid that cold or hot drinks will sting your teeth. And you certainly shouldn’t be afraid that having your teeth polished will make them sore. But unfortunately, many people suffer from tooth sensitivity. At Ardas Family Dental in Parker, Colorado, we work with our patients to keep them as comfortable as possible, and encourage everyone to share any concerns they have about getting dental work done. We hope that if people understand what causes their teeth to be sensitive, they’ll feel more motivated to seek help.

The pulp in each tooth contains a nerve. And although the outside of each crown is made of hard enamel, in between the enamel and the pulp is a porous substance called dentin through which heat is easily transferred. If a tooth is cracked, the pulp could be exposed to infection, but even just a thinning of enamel would leave the nerve more vulnerable to heat transference and pressure. Tooth roots have outer walls made of a substance called cementum, which is softer than enamel, and therefore can be eroded or ground down more easily. Acid or mechanical damage that is eroding enamel could also result in gum recession, exposing cementum.

Toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth is readily available in most stores. It contains chemicals that limit sensations in dentin. However, it has to be applied several times, and the problem may be that the patient is brushing too hard, using a brush with bristles that are too stiff, or skipping over large parts of their tooth surfaces. People with sensitive teeth may also be suffering from acid reflux or bruxism, which is when they clench or grind their teeth in their sleep. Acid reflux can be mitigated by avoiding eating before bed, and an oral appliance called a night guard can keep teeth from rubbing against each other during sleep. We can help people suffering from sensitivity to obtain night guards and get fluoride treatment to further reinforce their enamel.

Dr. Roopi Kattaura operates Ardas Family Dental at 10233 S Parker Rd, Suite 205, Parker, Colorado. Call 720-459-8420 or visit Ardas Family Dental and fill out a contact sheet.

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Bite Checks at Ardas Family Dental

Family dentists are entrusted with great responsibility for ensuring children’s health as they grow. Among those responsibilities is checking a child’s bite at each visit. But children aren’t the only people who can have issues with tooth or jaw misalignment. Jumbled teeth can be harder to clean, harder to chew with, and contribute to problems in the rest of the head and neck. If there’s a problem with your dental alignment, the first step toward fixing it is getting a bite check.

X-rays will help us to notice some issues with misalignment, but they aren’t the whole bite check. During that, we’ll ask patients to demonstrate closing their teeth together. If aligned properly, the top front teeth will rest outside the bottom ones, and the outer halves of the top ones will hang outside the bottom teeth’s outer halves. But none of the teeth should be tilting, and a bottom back tooth shouldn’t be completely inside the top arch. When a patient presses their teeth together, we’ll feel their temporomandibular joints, which is where their lower jaws connect to their skulls, to determine if anything is swollen or having difficulty moving.

If a person is having trouble biting down, they may feel soreness in their temporomandibular joints. The soreness could radiate outwards and cause swelling that would make it harder for them to fully open their mouths. Pressure from an uneven bite could also push teeth further out of place or cause them to break apart. This is especially concerning for dentures or crowns supported by implants, since implants have to be removed if they break and dentures are fragile. However, patients can learn to loosen their temporomandibular joints through stretching exercises, and we can refer patients for orthodontic work and denture repair. We can also reconstruct teeth once they’re no longer in danger from excessive pressure and help clean them while they realign.

Dr. Roopi Kattaura operates Ardas Family Dental at 10233 S Parker Rd, Suite 205, Parker, Colorado. Call 720-459-8420 or visit Ardas Family Dental and fill out a contact sheet.

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Halitosis in Adults at Ardas Family Dental

Do you suffer from bad breath? If so, you shouldn’t have to put up with shame or discomfort any longer. At Ardas Family Dental in Parker, we want all of our patients to be proud of their smiles, and that’s not limited to the way their teeth look. A healthy mouth should also smell and feel good, so this week, we’re taking a closer look at bad breath, also known as halitosis.

Oral bacteria give off bad odors as part of their respiration process. Usually, most of these bacteria live on the surface of the tongue, hiding in the bumps called papillae. They eat food debris, and dentists recommend scraping the tongue once a day to remove them and their food source. We also recommend brushing the tongue. The best preventive measure against tongue bacteria is drinking plenty of water. Besides washing them out, this will help ensure an adequate flow of saliva, which contains anti-microbial enzymes and neutralizes the acid produced by oral bacteria.

There are occasionally other sources of food for bacteria, and other things that can contribute to bad breath. If a person has a sinus infection, nasal discharge may drip onto the back of their tongue and provide more food for bacteria. Foods such as red meat, onions and garlic, and chocolate can trigger acid reflux, allowing acid from the stomach to get as far as the mouth. People with diabetes may also experience bad breath as fat breaks down in their bodies in place of sugar. Over-the-counter mouthwash can assist with most of these problems, as can stimulating more saliva production through use of sugar-free gum and hard candy. Acid reflux can be reduced through lifestyle changes, but patients should also consider getting fluoride treatments to protect their enamel.

Dr. Roopi Kattaura operates Ardas Family Dental at 10233 S Parker Rd, Suite 205, Parker, Colorado. Call 720-459-8420 or visit Ardas Family Dental and fill out a contact sheet.

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Toothroot Cavities in Parker, Colorado

Tooth decay is a common problem. It is particularly devastating to children, older adults, and people with certain disabilities, who have a harder time caring for themselves and may develop more extensive decay more quickly. At Ardas Family Dental in Parker, we assist people of all ages with preventive care as well as dental restorations. But if decay is occurring at or below the gum line, a patient may require more intensive treatment, which is why we wanted to focus on it for this week’s blog.

The crowns of our teeth, which are the parts we can normally see, are covered in a hard substance called enamel. It takes a lot of decay to dissolve enough enamel for an infection to reach the pulp of a tooth. However, the tooth roots are covered in a much softer substance called cementum, which serves to seal them to the walls of a gum pocket. Plaque and tartar, which develop from acid-producing bacteria getting caught on tooth surfaces, tend to accumulate at the place where crowns meet the gum line. They can cause gum tissue to recede and expose the tooth roots, which are then vulnerable to decay. The gum pockets may also become looser, allowing bacteria to colonize the space in between the gum wall and the tooth roots while remaining out of reach of a patient’s toothbrush. As the hardest teeth to brush, the back molars are the most vulnerable to developing tooth root cavities.

During regular dental appointments, we remove the tartar that builds up near the gum line. Our x-rays also help us to determine if a patient is experiencing decay on their tooth roots. If so, they will require a deep cleaning, which means that we will scrape bacteria out of their gum pockets after providing a local anesthetic. But if a tooth root is damaged, the tooth may have to be replaced with an implant. Restorations work best when decay is caught early, so don’t neglect regular dental cleanings. And if you are experiencing tooth sensitivity or gum bleeding, don’t hesitate to see us right away.

Dr. Roopi Kattaura operates Ardas Family Dental at 10233 S Parker Rd, Suite 205, Parker, Colorado. Call 720-459-8420 or visit Ardas Family Dental and fill out a contact sheet.