Ardas Family Dental

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Dental Emergencies

Emergencies can happen to anyone at any time. Make sure you are prepared for these situations. The same thing goes for dental emergencies. Whether you hurt yourself playing sports, trip, or get into an accident, Ardas Family Dental is here for you. Dr. Roopi Kattaura will try to see you right away when there is a dental emergency. You’ll need to contact our office in Parker, CO, as soon as possible.


The quicker you get in contact with us the faster we can help you. If you can’t reach our Parker, CO, office, consider going to your local emergency room. While you wait, follow this brief dental emergency guide.


-Loose Crowns: if the crown has fallen off, gently try placing it back on. You’ll need to use a material like over-the-counter denture cream to keep it in place. This keeps it secure until your appointment.


-Missing filling: do you best to find the filling after it falls out. Find something to protect the area while you wait. Sugarless gum is a great option.


-Severe toothaches: the first thing you need to do is check for any blockages. This means food or other debris trapped around the tooth. Clean the entire area very thoroughly. If the toothache is still there, schedule an appointment.


-Chipped or broken tooth: gather as much of the tooth as you can. Make sure to rinse out your mouth. Collect any other fragments. You need to keep an icepack applied to your face, switching it every 15 minutes or so. This is necessary for keeping the swelling down.


-Dislodged tooth: this is a tooth that is partially knocked out. Do not touch the tooth or area at all. Keep the area clean and try to keep the swelling down. This will make it easier to work on.


-Knocked-out tooth: locate the tooth as quickly as you can. Clean it and see if it fits back in its spot. If it doesn’t, you need to keep the tissue alive until you reach the dentist. Place it in a cup of cold milk or salt-water. You need to see the dentist right away.


It’s important that you are prepared for a dental emergency. Know the name and number of your Parker, CO, dentist.


Ardas Family Dental is located in Parker, CO. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Roopi Kattaura, call 720-459-8420 or visit her website at

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