Ardas Family Dental

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Dental Emergencies

Emergencies can happen to anyone at any time. Make sure you are prepared for these situations. The same thing goes for dental emergencies. Whether you hurt yourself playing sports, trip, or get into an accident, Ardas Family Dental is here for you. Dr. Roopi Kattaura will try to see you right away when there is a dental emergency. You’ll need to contact our office in Parker, CO, as soon as possible.


The quicker you get in contact with us the faster we can help you. If you can’t reach our Parker, CO, office, consider going to your local emergency room. While you wait, follow this brief dental emergency guide.


-Loose Crowns: if the crown has fallen off, gently try placing it back on. You’ll need to use a material like over-the-counter denture cream to keep it in place. This keeps it secure until your appointment.


-Missing filling: do you best to find the filling after it falls out. Find something to protect the area while you wait. Sugarless gum is a great option.


-Severe toothaches: the first thing you need to do is check for any blockages. This means food or other debris trapped around the tooth. Clean the entire area very thoroughly. If the toothache is still there, schedule an appointment.


-Chipped or broken tooth: gather as much of the tooth as you can. Make sure to rinse out your mouth. Collect any other fragments. You need to keep an icepack applied to your face, switching it every 15 minutes or so. This is necessary for keeping the swelling down.


-Dislodged tooth: this is a tooth that is partially knocked out. Do not touch the tooth or area at all. Keep the area clean and try to keep the swelling down. This will make it easier to work on.


-Knocked-out tooth: locate the tooth as quickly as you can. Clean it and see if it fits back in its spot. If it doesn’t, you need to keep the tissue alive until you reach the dentist. Place it in a cup of cold milk or salt-water. You need to see the dentist right away.


It’s important that you are prepared for a dental emergency. Know the name and number of your Parker, CO, dentist.


Ardas Family Dental is located in Parker, CO. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Roopi Kattaura, call 720-459-8420 or visit her website at

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Recovering From Implants

Dental implants is a procedure that replaces missing teeth with artificial ones. It’s a great and reasonable way to achieve a perfect smile. At Ardas Family Dental, Dr. Roopi Kattaura offers dental implants to her patients. If you want the surgery to be successful, you must follow all post-operative instructions after the implant process. That’s why your Parker, CO, dentist has put together this brief implant recovery guide.


The recovery period is unique for every patient at our Parker, CO, office. There are a few factors that come into play, including how many implants were placed, if you required a bone graft and your current health. You should expect the following two days to be uncomfortable as your body begins adjusting. Patients report feeling normal within a week, once the inflammation starts to go down.


Bleeding is normal for up to 72 hours after the implant process. Keep the gauze over the implant site for at least an hour after your surgery. Bite down on the gauze if the bleeding gets heavy. Replace the gauze whenever they become too saturated. You can also use a moistened tea bag wrapped in gauze.


Do not be alarmed at any swelling that occurs. This is a natural step in the healing process. It should start to go down after seven days. The best thing to do is to wear an ice pack for the first day after surgery.


Implants require stitches to help your mouth heal. Your Parker, CO, dentist will most likely use dissolvable stitches that go away after a few days.


It’s important that you follow all post-operative care instructions for a healthy recovery period. Your health is the most important thing to Dr. Roopi Kattaura of Ardas Family Dental. To schedule an appointment at our Parker, CO, office, call 720-459-8420. You can also visit her website at

Wednesday, May 13, 2020


At Ardas Family Dental, we treat your family like our family. It’s one of the many reasons that Dr. Roopi Kattaura treats patients of all ages. Fluorosis is one pediatric dental condition we commonly see. This is when a child is exposed to abnormal levels of fluoride. The teeth appear to have white and thin streaks on them. This isn’t a dangerous condition but merely a cosmetic one. To learn more about fluorosis, talk to your Parker, CO, dentist.


The only patients that are at risk for fluorosis are children. This is because fluorosis targets teeth that haven’t emerged from the gum line. Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral in the water supply. It keeps both the water and our teeth clean. It’s important your child is evaluated for fluorosis to determine if there is a nutritional imbalance.


Breastfeeding your child is a great way to minimize their exposure to fluoride. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends breastfeeding your child until the age of three. Breast milk contains the necessary nutritional elements your child needs. Formula use heightens the risk of fluorosis. This is because most formula requires water, which then contains fluoride. Parents also need to monitor how much toothpaste their child uses. Dental hygiene products contain fluoride. Your Parker, CO, dentist states that children under the age of three shouldn’t use more than a grain of rice worth of toothpaste.


Start having your child brush their teeth twice a day when they reach the age of three. Make sure they use no more than a pea-sized amount of toothpaste. Instruct them to spit out the toothpaste when they are done so they don’t swallow it. The same goes for mouthwash. Swallowing these products is a good way for them to develop fluorosis.


Ardas Family Dental is conveniently located in Parker, CO, for all your dental needs. If your child needs an appointment, contact Dr. Roopi Kattaura today. Call 720-459-8420 or visit

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Why Do We Have Wisdom Teeth?

At Ardas Family Dental, located in Parker, CO, Dr. Roopi Kattaura treats patients with all kinds of dental problems. This includes the care and removal of those pesky wisdom teeth. But what exactly are wisdom teeth and why do we have them? We’ll go into all the details you’ve always wanted to know about in this blog. If you or a loved one need a wisdom tooth extraction, schedule an appointment with us today.


Your wisdom teeth are the last group to come in, known as the third molars. They are in the back on both the top and bottom. There is no modern-day use or advantage to having wisdom teeth. They are called vestigial structures, meaning that they are leftover evolutionary features. Once upon a time, wisdom teeth were helpful for our ancestors. Wisdom teeth helped our ancestors chew rougher foods like reed plants and sticks. Because food was much harder to eat, teeth would wear down and fall out. Wisdom teeth worked to replace these weakened areas.


With the advancement of dental care and technology, along with changes to our diets and cooking abilities, we don’t require wisdom teeth. That doesn’t mean the replacements won’t grow in anyways. Leaving in your wisdom teeth leads to overcrowding, infection, nerve damage, and crookedness.


Ardas Family Dental is located in Parker, CO. To learn more about wisdom teeth or schedule a consultation, contact Dr. Roopi Kattaura by calling 720-459-8420. You can also visit her website at