Ardas Family Dental

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Treatment for White Spots in Parker, CO

Would you know if you were developing a cavity? You might think you could tell from having a toothache, but that’s not actually the first sign of enamel infection. We provide regular cleanings to patients of all ages at Ardas Family Dental in Parker, Colorado, but we want our patients to be able to recognize when they need specialized attention quickly. That’s why this week’s blog post is dedicated to the telltale sign of an incipient lesion: a white spot.

Enamel has a higher composition of inorganic tissues than any other tissue in the body. Although this makes it much harder, it can be damaged by the accumulation of acid. This can happen when a person consumes acidic things directly, when bacteria metabolize sugar on their teeth and produce acid as a waste product, or when they regurgitate acid from their stomach. The demineralization of enamel causes it to appear a chalky white color before it decays away, leaving behind a cavity.

White spots commonly occur around orthodontic brackets and in hard-to-brush places such as the sides of teeth and near the gum line. It may take as few as thirty days after one forms for it to become a cavity. The infection can usually be stopped through better hygiene, but there is a possibility the enamel will remain scarred. If that happens, we may discuss concealing it with with a veneer or bonding after we determine that the infection is no longer active.

Dr. Roopi Kattaura operates Ardas Family Dental at 10233 S Parker Rd, Suite 205, Parker, Colorado. Call 720-459-8420 or visit Ardas Family Dental and fill out a contact sheet.


Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Diabetes and Dental Implants in at Ardas Family Dental

If you have missing or damaged teeth, you’ve probably been told that implants are a great way of restoring your smile. But if you have diabetes, you may also have wondered whether that advice was really meant for you. It’s true that dentists have historically questioned whether people with diabetes were good candidates for implant-supported crowns, and a lot of research was done in this area. We at Ardas Family Dental in Parker, Colorado are pleased to pass along a review showing that when blood sugar is well-controlled, people with diabetes greatly benefit from implants.

The way the implant process works is that a single-crown implant is placed into an incision in the gum, which is then sutured closed while the implant integrates with the surrounding bone tissue. This process takes about three to six months, and the review found that in people with diabetes, it usually took closer to six months. However, people with  diabetes did achieve integration at comparable rates to those without it despite people with poorly-controlled blood sugar being more prone toward initial instability.

People with diabetes  are also especially vulnerable to gum inflammation, which in implant patients is called peri-implantitis. Gum disease poses a serious risk to implants, since the acid that is usually causing it could erode the implant or  its supportive tissue. But the review found that people with diabetes do not suffer higher rates of implant failure within the first six years of receiving one, and although their risk is higher after that, it can be managed with good oral hygiene and regular dental cleanings.

Dr. Roopi Kattaura operates Ardas Family Dental at 10233 S Parker Rd, Suite 205, Parker, Colorado. Call 720-459-8420 or visit Ardas Family Dental and fill out a contact sheet.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Wisdom Teeth Extraction in Parker, CO

We’ve all heard of it before, maybe even experienced its fury: “my wisdom teeth are coming in.” Nowadays, it’s a common trend for young adults to record themselves after getting their wisdom teeth removed. There’s the comic relief post-procedure and sharing the video on Youtube. Until a viewer feels an unfamiliar ache in their mouth and wonders what comes before the laughs, or even after them. Dr. Kattaura at Ardas Family Dental closely monitors the development of wisdom teeth in young patients and is committed to preserving their overall oral health.

Wisdom teeth that do not have enough space to develop correctly can cause numerous problems in the mouth. Complications include the trapping of food which makes an environment for cavities and disease to form, the crowding or damaging of neighboring teeth, and root damage (which is irreversible). As always, it is recommended that you see your dentist for regular checkups so that any issues involving the development of your wisdom teeth can be addressed as soon as possible.

You may need to get your wisdom teeth removed if you show signs of:

- Pain/aching/tenderness

- Infection

- Cysts

- Tumors

- Damage to surrounding teeth

- Gum disease

- Tooth decay

Ardas Family Dental is located at 10233 S Parker Rd, Suite 205, in Parker, CO 80134. For more information about wisdom teeth extraction or to schedule an appointment, please visit or call 720-459-8420.


Thursday, December 5, 2019

Sugar and Your Teeth

We know it’s not something you want to hear or maybe you’ve heard it a thousand times before. But it’s true, sugar negatively impacts your teeth in a big way. We at Ardas Family Dental in Parker, CO take pride in educating our patients about the importance of restricting sugary foods and drinks. It would be ideal to cut these out of your diet completely, but we understand that sometimes there’s nothing better than a crisp soda on a hot day. More attention should be paid to, say, how many sugary beverages you drink in a day or week. Is it really adding up? If so, consider restricting your intake for the sake of your teeth.

Sugar easily coats the surface of your teeth and attracts the “bad bacteria,” such as Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sobrinus. These destructive bacteria feed on the sugar and disturb the natural pH of your mouth, to the point where the acidity is too much for your teeth. Over time, the enamel on your teeth is broken down little by little. This isn’t so good since tooth enamel cannot be replaced. Once that natural barrier is gone, it’s gone for good. 

If you can’t give up sugar completely, then consider these tips to fight tooth decay:

- Watch what you eat and drink. Make sure to incorporate healthy options, such as fibrous vegetables.

- Restrict the sugar. Try drinking more water, your teeth will thank you (and so will your body).

- Practice good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing two to three times a day.

- Visit your dentist regularly. Your dentist will be able to take a closer look inside your mouth, monitor anything suspicious, and give your teeth a good professional cleaning. 

Ardas Family Dental is located at 10233 S Parker Rd, Suite 205, in Parker, CO 80134. For more information about proper dental hygiene or to schedule an appointment, please visit or call 720-459-8420.