Ardas Family Dental

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Dental Crowns

At Ardas Family Dental in Parker, CO, our doctors may recommend Dental Crowns, CO for numerous reasons including protecting a weak tooth from fracturing, to replace a large filling when there isn’t enough portion of the tooth remaining, to attach a bridge, or to cover a dental implant. Besides strengthening a damaged tooth, a crown can be used to improve its appearance, shape, or alignment. In the case that you ever need a dental crown, we’d like to take this opportunity to explain the process.

There are several types of materials that may be used for a crown, but those will be discussed during your consultation. During your first visit in preparation for your crown, X-rays will be taken to check the roots of the tooth receiving the crown and to observe the surrounding bone. If the tooth cannot support a crown, it may need to be filed down. Alternatively, if the tooth is damaged by decay, it may need to be filled to make it large enough to fit the crown. By the end of the first visit, your tooth will have a temporary crown that protects it until the final one is ready to be permanently placed.  When the permanent crown is ready, you will have a second visit.

If you have questions about dental crowns, please give us a call. To learn more about services we provide at the practice, visit Cosmetic Dentist Parker, CO for more information. To schedule an appointment with one of our doctors at Ardas Family Dental in Parker, CO, call 720-459-8420.

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