Ardas Family Dental

Friday, May 6, 2022

What is a Simplant?

If you’re interested in receiving fast, precise implants in ParkerCODr. Roopi Kattaura offers the SimPlant procedure at Ardas Family Dental to help you receive the results you desire.


What Is SimPlant?

SimPlant is a type of technology utilized to provide a better dental implant process. Traditionally, dentists have had to rely on the 2D imaging provided by standard X-rays. Unfortunately, 2D imaging can only provide so much information. Therefore, the traditional implant process would often present challenges that could not be foreseen before the procedure began.

These challenges could impact the success of the procedure, including placing the implant in the best position. Without an accurate view of the patient’s anatomy, the implant procedure could potentially damage nerves, sinuses, and healthy tissues that could be avoided altogether.

SimPlant software provides a 3D view through cone beam scans and digital impressions, which offer a precise look at the patient’s dental anatomy. It then helps Dr. Kattaura at Ardas Family Dental know exactly where and how to place the implants.


Benefits of SimPlant in ParkerCO

There are many benefits that SimPlant provides, including the two listed below.

Minimally Invasive Procedure

Thanks to the software, Dr. Kattaura knows exactly how to carry out the procedure. It guides her throughout the process, meaning that fewer incisions must be made.

Faster Process

SimPlant offers a more precise procedure, leading to less guesswork and fewer unforeseen challenges. This means you spend less time in the chair.

Faster Recovery

This process also leads to fewer incisions. And the precision means less chance of infection. All of this means that healing occurs at a much faster pace.


Generally speaking, SimPlant is one of the best methods for receiving your implants. A visit to Dr. Kattaura can help determine if this is the best solution for your dental needs.

If you would like to schedule your appointment with Dr. Kattaura or if you want to learn more about the SimPlant process in ParkerCOcall Ardas Family Dental at (720) 706-4430.

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Teeth Whitening in Parker, CO

If you want to achieve a whiter, brighter smile, Dr. Roopi Kattaura and the team at Ardas Family Dental offer a customized and effective method for teeth whitening in ParkerCO.


What Impacts the Color of Teeth?

Everyone wants their pearly whites to stay pearly and white. However, it’s nearly impossible to keep them white naturally, thanks to all the discoloration culprits in daily life. The following are just a few of the most common factors that can change your tooth color.

  • Age: Believe it or not, age can impact the color of your teeth. The outside enamel, which is the white part, begins to thin out and wear down. The under layer, known as dentin, begins to shine through. And as it is of a yellow tint, your teeth begin to look discolored.

  • Food and drink: It’s no secret that items such as coffee, tea, and wine can discolor your teeth. However, they’re not the only ones. Everything you put in your mouth can affect your tooth color.

  • Tobacco: This one is also no secret. The nicotine and tar in tobacco can easily stain your teeth.

  • Medication: There are also several medications that affect the teeth. These include some antihistamines, blood pressure medications, antipsychotics, chemotherapy, and more.

  • Injury: An injury to the mouth can cause the teeth to respond by producing more dentin. This can cause the tooth to look darker.


Fortunately, you don’t have to let your teeth stay discolored. Teeth whitening was designed specifically to help address this issue.


Benefits of Visiting a Dentist for Teeth Whitening in ParkerCO

There are plenty of tooth whitening kits available on the market, so it’s easy to wonder why a visit to the dentist is necessary for the greatest results. At Ardas Family Dental in ParkerCO, Dr. Kattaura and her team provide a more customized approach to teeth whitening.

First, they’ll take an impression of your teeth that helps them provide trays that fit your teeth and mouth properly. These trays are made to be used over and over again with a whitening gel that can help you achieve teeth up to eight shades whiter.

Ready to see how white your teeth can become? Schedule an appointment for teeth whitening with Dr. Kattaura at Ardas Family Dental in ParkerCO by calling (720) 706-4430.

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Do I Need my Wisdom Teeth Pulled?

If you’re struggling with your wisdom teeth in ParkerCODr. Roopi Kattaura at Ardas Family Dental can help determine if you need a wisdom tooth extraction or another form of treatment.


Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Wisdom teeth are a problem for many people, leading wisdom tooth extraction to be a very common procedure. Contrary to popular belief, though, not everyone needs the procedure done. However, there are many others that do. How do you know which group you fit into? The following information can help.


Who Needs Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

In truth, the best way to know if you need your wisdom teeth extracted in ParkerCO is to let Dr. Kattaura at Ardas Family Dental do an examination. However, the following are a few signs that wisdom tooth extraction might be necessary.

  • Your wisdom teeth are impacted: This means that they’re stuck beneath your gums. When this happens, it can cause pain, discomfort, infections, and damage to surrounding teeth.

  • They’ve partially emerged: Sometimes, the wisdom teeth will come out of the gums some but not all the way. This, too, can cause several complications.

  • There is not enough space for your wisdom tooth: If the tooth is left in the gums but there is not enough room to accommodate it, it can damage surrounding teeth.


Who Doesn’t Need Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

Most people that fit the following criteria do not need an extraction:

  • The wisdom teeth have come out of the gums fully and are completely healthy.

  • They can fully brush and floss the wisdom teeth as well as the surrounding teeth.

  • They do not cause a difference in how the patient speaks or chews.


Signs It’s Time to See the Dentist

The information above can help clarify whether you’ll need an extraction, but there are some other signs to keep an eye out for. If you experience any of the following, you should schedule a visit with Dr. Kattaura as soon as possible. They do not necessarily mean that an extraction is necessary, but they are signs that your wisdom teeth need some attention.

  • There is pain around your molars.

  • The back of your jaw feels sensitive when you are chewing.

  • You feel pressure at the back of the jaw.


A visit with Dr. Kattaura can help determine what – if anything – should take place to address such symptoms.

You don’t have to let your wisdom teeth cause you pain and suffering. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Kattaura at Ardas Family Dental in ParkerCO by calling (720) 706-4430.

Saturday, April 23, 2022

What is a Simplant?

If you’re interested in receiving fast, precise implants in ParkerCODr. Roopi Kattaura offers the SimPlant procedure at Ardas Family Dental to help you receive the results you desire.


What Is SimPlant?

SimPlant is a type of technology utilized to provide a better dental implant process. Traditionally, dentists have had to rely on the 2D imaging provided by standard X-rays. Unfortunately, 2D imaging can only provide so much information. Therefore, the traditional implant process would often present challenges that could not be foreseen before the procedure began.

These challenges could impact the success of the procedure, including placing the implant in the best position. Without an accurate view of the patient’s anatomy, the implant procedure could potentially damage nerves, sinuses, and healthy tissues that could be avoided altogether.

SimPlant software provides a 3D view through cone beam scans and digital impressions, which offer a precise look at the patient’s dental anatomy. It then helps Dr. Kattaura at Ardas Family Dental know exactly where and how to place the implants.


Benefits of SimPlant in ParkerCO

There are many benefits that SimPlant provides, including the two listed below.

Minimally Invasive Procedure

Thanks to the software, Dr. Kattaura knows exactly how to carry out the procedure. It guides her throughout the process, meaning that fewer incisions must be made.

Faster Process

SimPlant offers a more precise procedure, leading to less guesswork and fewer unforeseen challenges. This means you spend less time in the chair.

Faster Recovery

This process also leads to fewer incisions. And the precision means less chance of infection. All of this means that healing occurs at a much faster pace.


Generally speaking, SimPlant is one of the best methods for receiving your implants. A visit to Dr. Kattaura can help determine if this is the best solution for your dental needs.

If you would like to schedule your appointment with Dr. Kattaura or if you want to learn more about the SimPlant process in ParkerCOcall Ardas Family Dental at (720) 706-4430.

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Signs That You Need a Root Canal

If you have signs that you may need a root canalDr. Roopi Kattaura of Ardas Family Dental in ParkerCO has a full-service family dental practice and she can provide the endodontic services that you need.

Signs You May Need a Root Can

In order to determine if you need a root canal, you need to visit your dentist. However, you may have some symptoms that make you think that one may be in your future.

Persistent pain

This may be pain that comes and goes, an aching pain, pain deep in the bone of your jaw, even pain in your other teeth. There are many things that can cause this type of tooth pain but damage to the tooth pulp is definitely a possibility.


If your tooth is sensitive to hot and cold, it can mean that the nerve is damaged. If the pain lingers long after, even when you are not eating, this is not a good sign.

A discolored tooth

If the nerve in the tooth is damaged, the tooth may become discolored. It can be the result of trauma or just an infection. It is harder to notice in molars than it is in teeth that are more to the front of your mouth.

Swollen gums

Swollen gums near a sore tooth can be a sign of an infection or of gum disease. Keep your eye out for an abscess in your gum which may ooze foul-tasting gunk into your mouth. If you have swollen gums, it may be a sign you need a root canal. In Parker CO, Dr. Kattaura of Ardas Family Dental can examine your gums and let you know exactly what is going on.

Painful eating

If you notice that when you eat your tooth starts to hurt, that is a sign something is wrong with your tooth and it needs to be looked at, sooner rather than later.

A broken tooth

When your tooth breaks it allows germs to get inside and that can lead to an infection. The infection can get into the pulp and nerve of the tooth. This will lead to needing a root canal.

A loose tooth

When a tooth becomes infected, it may loosen, which is not a good thing. A root canal may be the solution to getting it back solidly attached to your jaw.

If you have concerns about your teeth and whether you need a root canal, Dr.Kattaura of Ardas Family Dental in Parker CO is the dentist to call. She will be able to determine what exactly is going on with your tooth. Call the office for an appointment at 720-408-6160.

Thursday, March 3, 2022

The Importance of Wisdom Teeth Extraction Site Preservation

Before removing a troublesome tooth, you have to figure out how you will care for the space left behind. Consult with Dr. Roopi Kattaura of Ardas Family Dental if you are considering wisdom teeth extraction site preservation in ParkerCO. Preserve those gaps so you can keep your mouth healthy long-term.

Why Is Extraction Site Preservation Important?

Wisdom teeth are not supposed to cause discomfort. If they grow properly, they can even help you chew food thoroughly.

Unfortunately, wisdom teeth may also become impacted as they emerge. If that happens, they will become a constant source of pain. The pain they cause may become so overwhelming that you may have a hard time eating anything.

Getting your wisdom teeth removed is one way to eliminate that pain. However, that brings up another issue.

That gap can be problematic because it can weaken your jaw bone. Fail to do something about that and your teeth may start to move around improperly. Soon enough, even your ability to chew through food may be compromised.

Taking action too slowly can also lead to complications down the line. Even if you want to eventually get dental implants, your jaw bone may not be strong enough to support them.

Sign up for wisdom teeth extraction site preservation in ParkerCO if you want to avoid those potential issues. Entrust the health of your teeth to Dr. Kattaura of Ardas Family Dental. She will ensure that the procedure is done properly so you don’t run into any additional issues down the line.

What Does Wisdom Teeth Extraction Site Preservation Entail?

Extraction site preservation helps maintain dental health, but what exactly does it involve?

In some cases, the procedure may involve the usage of some filler. The filler is used to plug the gap in your mouth. Doing that should prevent the degeneration of your jawbone along with other possible issues.

Site preservation may also be done through bone grafting. The aforementioned procedure involves using transplanted bone to heal or preserve your jawbone. Synthetic material may also be used for bone grafting procedures.

Your dentist will decide what kind of bone grafting procedure will work best. Work with them to preserve your teeth.

Dial 720-459-8420 if you wish to learn more about wisdom teeth extraction site preservation in ParkerCO. Book an appointment with Dr. Kattauras of Ardas Family Dental so you can save yourself from some potentially serious teeth-related problems.

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Why Choosing Mini Implants Could Be the Right Decision for You

Missing teeth can impact your quality of life and your self-confidence. Get in touch with Dr. Roopi Kattaura of Ardas Family Dental if you wish to get mini implants in ParkerCO. Those implants could provide the solution to a problem you have been dealing with for a long time.

What Are Mini Implants?

According to the CDC, 26 percent of adults aged 65 or older have only 8 or fewer teeth. Furthermore, around 17 percent of adults in that same age range have lost all of their teeth.

Those statistics reinforce the fact that many people out there could benefit from receiving dental implants. Unfortunately, not everyone can sign up for those implants even if they wanted to.

Remember that dental implants require ample support from surrounding bone so they can situate properly inside the mouth. That’s not an issue if you only lost your teeth recently. However, getting the dental implants to take is not as easy if you have been dealing with tooth loss for a long time.

Simply put, your mouth may no longer be able to properly support the implants at that point.

Still, all is not lost. Mini implants serve as a terrific alternative if you are no longer eligible for their larger counterparts.

Those smaller dental implants will continue to work as intended even if your jawbone is not as strong as it once was. Aesthetically speaking, they can also work as suitable substitutes for your natural teeth even if they are slightly on the smaller side.

How Should You Care for Mini Implants?

You can approach Dr. Kattaura of Ardas Family Dental if you are interested in getting mini implants in ParkerCO. Once the procedure is completed, you’ll be able to eat normally and smile confidently again.

The only thing you have to worry about is maintenance, but that is fairly easy to manage. Simply treat your implants the same you would your natural teeth.

Start by following a regular brushing routine. Brushing your implants twice a day should suffice. You should also take the time to floss at least once per day.

If any unusual issues arise, you can also discuss them with your dentist.

Call 720-459-8420 if you want to learn more about getting mini implants in ParkerCO. Schedule a visit with Dr. Kattaura of Ardas Family Dental so you can evaluate your options and decide if those implants are for you.