Ardas Family Dental

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Why Choosing Mini Implants Could Be the Right Decision for You

Missing teeth can impact your quality of life and your self-confidence. Get in touch with Dr. Roopi Kattaura of Ardas Family Dental if you wish to get mini implants in ParkerCO. Those implants could provide the solution to a problem you have been dealing with for a long time.

What Are Mini Implants?

According to the CDC, 26 percent of adults aged 65 or older have only 8 or fewer teeth. Furthermore, around 17 percent of adults in that same age range have lost all of their teeth.

Those statistics reinforce the fact that many people out there could benefit from receiving dental implants. Unfortunately, not everyone can sign up for those implants even if they wanted to.

Remember that dental implants require ample support from surrounding bone so they can situate properly inside the mouth. That’s not an issue if you only lost your teeth recently. However, getting the dental implants to take is not as easy if you have been dealing with tooth loss for a long time.

Simply put, your mouth may no longer be able to properly support the implants at that point.

Still, all is not lost. Mini implants serve as a terrific alternative if you are no longer eligible for their larger counterparts.

Those smaller dental implants will continue to work as intended even if your jawbone is not as strong as it once was. Aesthetically speaking, they can also work as suitable substitutes for your natural teeth even if they are slightly on the smaller side.

How Should You Care for Mini Implants?

You can approach Dr. Kattaura of Ardas Family Dental if you are interested in getting mini implants in ParkerCO. Once the procedure is completed, you’ll be able to eat normally and smile confidently again.

The only thing you have to worry about is maintenance, but that is fairly easy to manage. Simply treat your implants the same you would your natural teeth.

Start by following a regular brushing routine. Brushing your implants twice a day should suffice. You should also take the time to floss at least once per day.

If any unusual issues arise, you can also discuss them with your dentist.

Call 720-459-8420 if you want to learn more about getting mini implants in ParkerCO. Schedule a visit with Dr. Kattaura of Ardas Family Dental so you can evaluate your options and decide if those implants are for you.

Thursday, February 17, 2022

The Benefits of Lumineers

If you’re unhappy with the appearance of your teeth, Dr. Roopi Kattaura at Ardas Family Dental in Parker, CO provides Lumineers to help you achieve the smile you desire.


4 Benefits of Lumineers


Lumineers are an effective way to fix the appearance of your teeth in Parker, CO. They are best suited for minor imperfections, such as stains or small gaps. Lumineers are a very thin brand of veneers that provide the following benefits over traditional solutions.


Fast and Simple Fix


There is no long, drawn-out process with Lumineers. It typically takes no more than two visits to have your new smile in place. You will go in for your first appointment with Dr. Kattaura at Ardas Family Dental to have x-rays and impressions made. Once the Lumineers have been designed, you’ll go back in for placement.


No Long-Lasting Effects


Traditional veneers and crowns require the removal of some tooth enamel to fit them properly. Unfortunately, this is an irreversible process, so once it’s gone, it’s gone. If the veneers or crowns fall out or get damaged, you’ll have to get a new solution in place quickly. Lumineers are very durable but thin, so they can fit on top of your teeth without any alterations. If they fall out or you decide you no longer want them, you don’t have to replace them.


No Recovery Time


As there is some alteration with traditional veneers and crowns, patients can sometimes be uncomfortable. Though it does not require a great deal of recovery time, the sensitivity can take some time to get back to normal. With Lumineers, there are no alterations and, therefore, typically no discomfort.


No Temporary Solutions Necessary


As tooth enamel is shaved down with traditional veneers and crowns, patients typically have to wear temporary solutions while the lab creates the permanent ones. This can sometimes be uncomfortable, and they typically break or fall out easily. With Lumineers, nothing is shaved off, so there is no need for a temporary solution.


You don’t have to live with imperfect teeth. Call (720) 459-8420 to make an appointment with Dr. Kattaura at Ardas Family Dental in Parker, CO to discuss how Lumineers can benefit you.


Saturday, February 12, 2022

What is an Apicoectomy?

If your tooth has been bothering you for a long time, and you had a root canal procedure that was unsuccessful at getting to the 'root' of the problem, you may need a minor surgery called an apicoectomy, also known as root-end surgery. Dr. Roopi Kattaura of Ardas Family Dental in Parker, CO performs the apicoectomy procedure as well as general dentistry services.


What is an Apicoectomy?


An apicoectomy may be recommended if you have already undergone standard root canal treatment and it hasn't seemed to fix the problem. This is because there is lingering inflammation or infection continuing to affect your tooth. When root canal treatment fails to provide proper relief, an apicoectomy may be in order. This procedure treats the tooth more aggressively than a root canal by removing the tip of the root of the tooth.


The root canal treatment procedure accesses the root through the crown of the tooth, whereas apicoectomy is targeted at the root of the tooth. The crown of the tooth refers to the part of the tooth you can see and use to chew food. In an apicoectomy, the tip of the root of the tooth is removed, and then sealed and filled in to prevent further decay and infection from affecting the tooth.


How Do I Know if I Need This Procedure?


An apicoectomy is usually only considered when a root canal treatment has already been performed and failed to remove all of the infection. If you continue to have pain or another infection develops months or years down the road, an apicoectomy may be recommended by your dentist.


Procedure and Recovery


The procedure is rather simple and not to be feared. While it is a serious procedure, it should not cause excessive anxiety. When Dr. Roopi Kattaura at Ardas Family Dental in Parker, CO performs an apicoectomy, she takes great care with making you feel comfortable. The procedure begins by administering a local anaesthetic, then an incision is made in your gum to expose the infection and root of the tooth. The tip of the root will be removed and the root canal sealed. The gums that were separated to access the root of your tooth are then sutured back into place.


You may be prescribed antibiotics and painkillers that will help with swelling and pain. Usually, no more than a day or two of downtime is needed after this procedure. After about a week, you may need to come back to the office to have the sutures removed if dissolvable sutures were not used.


Dr. Roopi Kattaura performs the apicoectomy procedure at Ardas Family Dental in Parker, CO. Call us for more information about this procedure at (720) 459-8420.