Ardas Family Dental

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Root Canal Therapy at Ardas Family Dental


We are experienced providers of tooth restorations at Ardas Family Dental in Parker, but we still work hard to save natural teeth. Although implants, dentures, bridges, and crowns all benefit a patient whose teeth need to be removed, sometimes an injured tooth can be rescued with root canal therapy. This is especially the case with children, whose baby teeth aren’t suited for permanent tooth prosthetics, so to get patients more comfortable with root canals, we wanted to explain more about them.

Our teeth contain chambers of pulp connected to the rest of the circulatory system by blood vessels routed through the tooth roots. If a tooth cracks or suffers severe decay, bacteria can enter the pulp chamber and cause an infection. This would be painful and cause bad breath, but it could get worse if the bacteria spreads further into the bloodstream or builds up at the base of the tooth roots. For this reason, a dentist would remove the infected pulp by performing root canal therapy.

Patients are always numbed during root canals. We also offer sedative options for those who are nervous. During the procedure, the dentist drills a hole into the tooth that the pulp can be removed through. The chamber and incision are then sealed. Sometimes, the damaged crown also needs to be replaced. In a baby tooth, this can be done with a metal cap that can be shaped in the office. For adult teeth, a replacement crown would mean a return appointment, but the finished crown would be permanent and colored like a natural tooth. If the infection recurs, we could consider options such as extraction, in which case an adult tooth might be replaced with an implant and the gap from a baby tooth might be held open with a retainer. But most root canals are successful and leave the patient much more comfortable with their teeth and in better health.

Dr. Roopi Kattaura operates Ardas Family Dental at 10233 S Parker Rd, Suite 205, Parker, Colorado. Call 720-459-8420.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Bridges at Ardas Family Dental


Even if you have a lot of damaged teeth, it’s not too late to get them repaired. We frequently perform dental restorations at Ardas Family Dental in Parker, and we offer solutions for patients in a wide variety of circumstances. For many, a classic dental bridge may be the best way to restore multiple teeth, and if they already have a bridge, we’ll be happy to perform maintenance on it.

Dental crowns are the part of the tooth that is visible. To place an artificial crown, a dentist would smooth down the natural tooth into a cylindrical abutment, and then cement the artificial crown on top of it. A bridge is several artificial crowns that have been fused together so they can replace teeth in a row, with the crowns at the end of the bridge being placed over reshaped teeth and the middle crown being suspended between them. Typically, placement would be a multi-appointment process, with the natural teeth being reshaped and an impression taken at the first appointment, and the finished bridge being placed during the second. A patient would wear a temporary bridge during the weeks in between appointments.

Bridges are used when several teeth in a row are broken, decayed, or already absent. Most dentists would not remove a healthy tooth to make room for a bridge, and would instead commission a partial denture with a hole to slide over the healthy tooth. But a partial denture needs to be able to clasp onto mostly-intact teeth on either side of it, so a bridge might be preferable if that’s not an option. Patients with bridges need to learn to floss under the suspended crown using a floss threader, but when cared for properly, dental bridges can last for ten years without needing to be removed.

Dr. Roopi Kattaura operates Ardas Family Dental at 10233 S Parker Rd, Suite 205, Parker, Colorado. Call 720-459-8420.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Dry Socket Prevention in Parker, CO

Tooth extractions aren’t something we recommend lightly at Ardas Family Dental in Parker, but there are a lot of situations in which they are likely to be appropriate. Wisdom teeth, in particular, often need to be removed in order to prevent them from causing malocclusions and soreness or becoming traps for oral bacteria. We have a lot of experience extracting wisdom teeth in pediatric patients and their outcomes are overwhelmingly good, but there are a few things patients need to keep in mind in order to avoid developing a dry socket while they recover.

During a simple extraction, the tooth is wiggled and raised out of its socket. This doesn’t leave any incisions, but the jaw bone at the base of the socket is briefly exposed to air. Usually, a bit of blood will form a scab, sealing the socket off and protecting it from dryness and airborne pathogens. However, there are certain medications that interfere with blood clotting, which is why we ask that patients disclose them to us prior to procedures.

Following the extraction, the patient should avoid eating or drinking anything that could cause the scab to dissolve or be torn loose prematurely. For this reason, they should avoid sucking through straws, and we especially advise adults getting tooth extractions against smoking during this period. Sipping soup could also create a vacuum that might remove the scab. If the socket does dry out, the patient will likely experience a great deal of pain and need to undergo antibacterial treatment. If a patient notices that the scab has broken off before their scheduled follow-up, they should request an emergency appointment. However, following the post-surgical guidelines will usually allow them to make a full and quick recovery.

Dr. Roopi Kattaura operates Ardas Family Dental at 10233 S Parker Rd, Suite 205, Parker, Colorado. Call 720-459-8420.