Ardas Family Dental

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Dental Instruments at Ardas Family Dental

Dental instruments are a source of curiosity for a lot of people. We’ve used them to clean and repair a lot of teeth, providing patients at Ardas Family Dental in Parker with oral care that is vital to their overall well-being. But for some people, dental instruments can also be intimidating. We’ve found that when people know more about them, they tend to feel more comfortable at our office.

In the course of a regular cleaning, a hygienist will use a mirror and an explorer. The handheld mirror allows a hygienist to view the back sides of a patient’s teeth and to move the cheek away from the molars. The explorer is the wand with small sickles on either side. It is used to pick apart plaque, which is the hardened build-up that forms at the base of teeth and triggers gum recession. An explorer is also used to test how hard enamel is and whether gum pockets are adhering closely to tooth roots.

When tartar is broken up, it is sucked out with a vacuum called an evacuator. Larger evacuators are used when a dentist needs to drill away decayed enamel. If a dentist needs to place a filling, they will mix it on a small spatula and apply it with a rounded instrument called a burnisher. Differently shaped burnishers are used to contour fillings, bonding, and dental cement. If a patient comes in for an extraction, we will use a flat spoon called an elevator to wiggle a tooth until it is loose enough to be lifted out with forceps. This is done while the patient is anesthetized, and if they are still anxious, we can discuss sedation options.

Dr. Roopi Kattaura operates Ardas Family Dental at 10233 S Parker Rd, Suite 205, Parker, Colorado. Call 720-459-8420 or visit Ardas Family Dental and fill out a contact sheet.