Ardas Family Dental

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Your Dental Health and Smoking

Your teeth, like the rest of your body, are negatively affected by smoking. It creates both long and short-term dental problems. In terms of your teeth, the most noticeable side effects are bad breath, staining, and yellowed coloring. Only a professional dentist like Dr. Kattaura can help with these problems. A proper dental examination and cleaning eliminate stains. If you are looking for a friendly and personalized care team, contact Ardas Family Dental today. Learn more by visiting our office in Parker, CO.


The American Dental Association (ADA) holds the position that tobacco usage inhibits taste while damaging your oral health. It does this in a few separate ways. On a basic level, it stains your teeth. Your teeth slowly become a shade of yellow. It is hard to remove these stains once they set in. You’ll need to schedule professional cleanings with your Parker, CO, dentist. She offers various teeth whitening services. These can bring your teeth closer to their natural brightness. The only way to fully prevent further staining is to quit smoking altogether. The likelihood of developing cavities also rises. When you smoke, your mouth dries out. You need saliva to keep your teeth clean. Saliva removes debris while keeping the teeth hygienic. Without the proper amount of saliva, your entire mouth is at risk.


Smoking has a direct effect on your immune system. When an individual has periodontal (gum) disease, their gums are painfully inflamed. Smoking agitates your gums more than they already are. Your immune system responds by increasing inflammation.


Smoking is a dangerous habit. Talk to our staff today about quitting. Scheduling an appointment with Dr. Kattaura is the first step towards a healthier life. We can walk you through the entire process. Reaching out to your friends and family is important. You’ll need their support throughout the process. Take some time to research different behavioral distraction techniques. Use these to distract yourself when you feel the need to smoke. It is a long and difficult process, but well-worth the health increase.


Ardas Family Dental is located in Parker, CO. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Kattaura, visit her website or call 720-459-8420.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Flossing with Braces

Flossing may seem difficult when you have braces, but it doesn’t have to be! The only difference is that flossing is even more important. Your braces give bacteria new places to form. Because of their design, food is much more likely to become snagged. Dr. Kattaura has a solution: this brief guide for flossing with braces! At Ardas Family Dental, we want the best for our patients. Learn how to keep your mouth healthy and happy! Contact our office in Parker, CO, with any questions.


It’s necessary to brush and floss daily. Your braces shouldn’t change this. When you have braces, it’s necessary to invest in a Floss Threader. This is a handheld dental appliance that moves the floss under the wire. From there, grab the floss and use it as normal. Floss each of your teeth. Another option is Floss Picks. These are small two-pronged devices. Floss is strung between the two prongs, letting you clean without interference. Carefully place the appliance between your two teeth to floss with it.


Proper flossing also makes a difference. Once you manage to get the floss in place, wrap it around one of the two teeth in a “C” shape. Move the floss up and down, rubbing the gums. Be gentle yet thorough when cleaning around your braces.


Don’t forget that you can still develop cavities with braces. Debris that gets stuck in your braces attracts bacteria. Always do a good job of brushing and flossing.


Ardas Family Dental is located in Parker, CO. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Kattaura, visit her website or call 720-459-8420.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Mouth Guards

Anybody who is an athlete should be wearing a mouth guard to protect their teeth and jaw from serious damage. Mouth guards are designed to keep your teeth and jaw protected from physical contact such as getting hit with a ball and contact from another player.

Mouth guards are customized to fit the patient’s mouths and ensure maximum protection when being active. Everybody has seen the generic mouth guards sold at sporting goods stores, but those aren’t designed to fit individual athlete’s mouths and are usually made of cheap materials and offer little protection. Mouth guards should fit specifically to each patient’s mouth and the best way to get your mouth guard is at your dentist.

No matter how old the athlete a mouth guard is crucial in keeping your teeth and mouth intact. It is important to protect against structural damage to your teeth and jaw as well as injuries lacerations to your cheeks, tongue, and lips. Mouth guards have also been shown to help decrease the risk of concussions which is another reason why they are a must for all athletes.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding mouth guards visit our website at and to schedule an appointment with Dr. Roopi Kattaura of Ardas Family Dental, visit Restorative Dentist Parker, CO, call 720-459-8420.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Crown Lengthening

Dental crowns are often placed after a cavity has been removed or a root canal performed. They restore the tooth's functionality while protecting it. In some cases, it’s necessary to perform a crown lengthening. It’s a common procedure for when the tooth isn’t exposed enough. Dr. Roopi Kattaura of Ardas Family Dental offers this procedure. To learn more, contact our office in Parker, CO.


A crown lengthening reveals enough tooth for a crown placement. There are a few reasons why this happens. Some teeth naturally do not stick out far enough, making them too close to the gum line. A broken tooth may require lengthening for the same reason. Maybe a placed crown has fallen off. Decay underneath a crown could knock it loose. Regardless, your dentist removes the gum tissue or bone for the crown placement.


Your Parker, CO, dentist begins by applying a local anesthetic. Incisions pull the gums away from the teeth. From there, bone, gum tissue, and the roots are reshaped. Afterward, Dr. Kattaura cleans the area and applies the stitches.


Recovery takes about three months. You will then schedule another appointment to receive a temporary and a permanent crown. Your dentist removes your stitches after 1-2 weeks. During recovery, use pain relievers and mouth rinse. Be careful when brushing your teeth. Try to avoid the gums at all costs. Avoid eating harder foods, sticking to softer substances.


Don’t be alarmed if the area bleeds after surgery. Keep on the lookout for signs of infection. A sudden sensitivity to hot and cold foods is common. Contact your dentist if the bleeding does not stop, there are signs of infection, the area is swollen or contains discharge, your pain reliever isn’t strong enough, or you notice swollen lymph nodes.


Ardas Family Dental is located in Parker, CO. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Roopi Kattaura, visit our website or call 720-459-8420.