Ardas Family Dental

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are restorative devices placed on the top and sides of a tooth. As we age, our teeth do as well. They begin to weaken, making problems like decay, discoloration, and cracks more common. Dental crowns correct these issues. If Dr. Kattaura identifies weakness or problems with one of your teeth, a dental crown is recommended. Ardas Family Dental is located in Parker, CO.


Your dental crown can be made of three different materials: porcelain, porcelain fused to metal, or full gold. Porcelain is the recommended option. It is the sturdiest and most natural looking in appearance.


The entire dental crown process takes 2-3 appointments with your Parker, CO, dentist. At the first visit, a local anesthetic is applied to the tooth. Dr. Kattaura then files down the enamel to reshape it. This allows the dental crown to fit correctly. After, a mold or impression of the tooth is made. The impression is sent to a dental laboratory to create your personalized crown. It will take between 2-3 weeks for the new crown to be completed. You will receive a temporary crown at this time.


At your final appointment, a local anesthetic is reapplied to the tooth. The permanent crown is cemented on. Crowns are incredibly durable and can last 10-15 years. Make sure to care for your dental crown and tooth like you would for any other.


Dental crowns are the key to restoring your smile. Your teeth are with you for the rest of your life, you might as well use them! Ardas Family Dental is located in Parker, CO. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Kattaura, visit our website or call 720-459-8420.


Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Occlusal Adjustment

Do you often wake up in the morning with sore jaws? Or feel like your jaw is off when you bite down? An occlusal adjustment can fix that. This procedure corrects the misalignment of the jaw. If left untreated, an array of dental problems can occur. Things like teeth sensitivity, teeth grinding, and chronic jaw pain are just a few of the results. If you experience any of these issues, contact Ardas Family Dental. Dr. Kattaura is a dedicated dental professional, providing occlusal adjustments to her patients.


Your jaw becomes misaligned from shifting, loose, crowded, or missing teeth. Your teeth are meant to come in a set. When one piece of the puzzle is missing, the entire mouth is thrown out of balance. An occlusal adjustment restores irregular pressure in the mouth caused by an unevenly distributed bite. It will also make your teeth meet properly.


The procedure itself is relatively harmless. Your Parker, CO, dentist drills into the jaw using a fine filing stone. Removal mouthpieces are also placed. These relax the jaw and protect your teeth. Dr. Kattaura identifies the problematic area through a computer scan of the mouth. This takes hundreds of pictures of your bite registrations. The data then identifies the irregularities.


There are a variety of problems that makes a patient eligible for an adjustment. The most common are patients with shifting teeth that prevent the teeth from meet properly. Patients who grind or clench are also eligible. Patients with sensitive teeth can benefit too.


If you or someone you know are suffering from jaw pain or a misaligned bite, contact Ardas Family Dental. Our office is located in Parker, CO. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Kattaura, visit our website or call 720-459-8420.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

The Benefits Of Using Mouthwash

Dr. Roopi Kattaura of Ardas Family Dental recommends using mouthwash in your daily dental routine. Mouthwash is a great way to thoroughly clean your mouth, as it can reach areas that other products can’t. It shouldn’t replace brushing and flossing but act as a supplement. Mouthwash keeps your mouth both clean and healthy! Learn more by contacting our office in Parker, CO.


Cosmetic and therapeutic are the two available mouthwash types. Therapeutic combats various dental problems like plaque, cavities, and gingivitis. Cosmetic is really only used for getting rid of bad breath. Make sure to read the packaging when purchasing to learn each mouthwashes specific benefits.


Here are the general guidelines for using mouthwash:


-Pour the recommended amount of mouthwash into the cap or cup, then transfer it to your mouth.

-Close your mouth, swishing it around vigorously. Do this for about 30 seconds.

-Spit the mouthwash into the sink when finished. Avoid swallowing it. It contains chemicals like fluoride, which can be harmful when ingested.

-Don’t drink or eat for 30 minutes after.


With so many available options, buying mouthwash can be overwhelming! That’s why your Parker dentist has provided these helpful tips. First, pay attention to the health benefits of each mouthwash. Not all products have the same effects or outcomes. If you’re interested in a mouthwash that fights gingivitis, look for a product that does so. For patients with sensitivities to certain dental chemicals, invest in natural or sensitivity-free brands. Avoid mouthwashes with alcohol in them when buying for others.


Besides using mouthwash, another great way to maintain a healthy mouth is by scheduling your six-month dental examination at Ardas Family Dental. Dr. Roopi Kattaura is available by appointment. Visit our website or call 720-459-8420 to learn more.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

A child’s baby teeth may not be permanent, but the effects of teaching them bad dental hygiene are. Baby teeth require just as much, if not more, care than their adult counterparts. Stronger materials make up adult teeth. This is why adults experience less tooth decay than children. Care for your child's teeth by scheduling them their first appointment at Ardas Family Dental. Otherwise, they’re at risk for Baby Bottle Tooth Decay. An appointment with Dr. Roopi Kattaura can prevent that.


Baby Bottle Tooth Decay describes the phenomenon of teeth decay in small children, including infants. Harmful bacteria create cavities in the mouth. Children are much more susceptible to these bacteria. Avoiding sugary substances is a great way to prevent cavities. It’s the biggest cause of Baby Bottle Tooth Decay, and as the name suggests it’s located right in their bottle. The American Dental Association states that infants should only be given breast milk, formula, and milk. Do not fill bottles with drinks high in sugar. This includes soda, sugar-water, and juice. Older children should drink mainly water. It contains cavity-fighting chemicals like fluoride.


Moisture leads to bacteria in the mouth. That’s why you should avoid giving your infant access to a bottle in their crib or bed. Pacifiers are another great conduct for bacteria. Clean them thoroughly and avoid dipping them in sugary substances like honey.


The other main source of bacteria happens between a mother and child. A mothers saliva contains harmful pathogens, and when those are transferred to an infant it results in Baby Bottle Tooth Decay. Avoid any unnecessary mouth-to-mouth contact. Don’t share food or clean off pacifiers with your mouth either.


Dr. Roopi Kattaura offers dental examinations for patients of all ages. This includes infants in need of their first dental visit. Schedule an appointment with Ardas Family Dental by calling 720-459-8420 or visiting the website. Our office is conveniently located in Parker, CO.