Ardas Family Dental

Wednesday, March 27, 2019


The temporomandibular joint, or TMJ, is the joint connecting your jawbone to your skull at the temporal bone. This joint controls many everyday necessary functions like talking and chewing. If you experience pain in your jaw when eating, chewing, or any other time, don’t wait to call Dr. Kattaura at Ardas Family Dental, located in Parker, CO. You may be experiencing temporomandibular disorder, or TMD.


TMD can be caused by stress, teeth grinding, or clenching of the jaw muscles. The main symptoms are pain when opening or closing mouth, trouble chewing, jaw becoming stuck open or shut, headaches or ear pain, clicking or popping sounds when opening your mouth, and teeth grinding.


Teeth grinding is a problematic symptom of TMD. When you grind your teeth, the top and bottom rows are scraping against each other. Eventually, this will wear down the enamel on your teeth. This exposes the dentin within. Dentin is sensitive, and exposure causes a handful of different issues. This includes opening a pathway for harmful bacteria.


For short term relief, hot/cold packs can be applied in 15-minute intervals to the affected area. Over-the-counter pain relievers are also helpful. For long term effects and treatment, an appointment with Dr. Kattaura is needed. Dr. Kattaura can give you a mouth guard, which will prevent your teeth from grinding together. In severe cases, surgery may be required.


If you suspect you have TMD, contact Ardas Family Dental for a consultation. Our office is located in Parker, CO. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Kattaura, visit our website or call 720-459-8420.


Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Teeth Whitening

At Ardas Family Dental, located in Parker, CO., we know that you deserve a perfect smile. But keeping your teeth white is harder than it sounds. That's why Dr. Kattaura offers teeth whitening services for our clients. Teeth whitening is a safe and easy way to restore the natural coloring of your teeth.


Teeth can become discolored for a variety of reasons. Foods that are high in tannic acids, like grapes and tea, are common culprits. Coffee and cigarettes are major ones as well. For some, simply cutting back on these items is enough to restore their smile. Teeth whitening is used when a little extra help is needed.


There are two steps to the teeth whitening process. At your first appointment with Dr. Kattaura, an impression of your teeth will be taken. At Ardas Dental, we use a tray whitening system. This means that the impression of your teeth will be used to create custom whitening trays. A dental laboratory will receive your impression and create the trays for us.


At your second appointment, you will receive your whitening trays. Dr. Kattaura will instruct you on how to use them. All you have to do is place the whitening gel into the trays, then insert the trays onto your teeth. Dr. Kattaura will tell you how many days to wear the trays and for how long. After a short amount of time, you should notice a whiter smile of 4-8 shades.


To learn more about our teeth whitening services, contact Ardas Family Dental, located in Parker, CO. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Kattaura, visit our website or call 720-459-8420.


Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Night Guards

Teeth grinding, or bruxism, is when a patient grinds their teeth. This destroys the enamel of the teeth, exposing the dentin. This can lead to teeth sensitivity, and open the gateway for bacteria. The majority of patients who experience bruxism have it happen while they're sleeping. At Ardas Family Dental, located in Parker, CO., Dr. Kattaura offers the solution in the form of night guards.


Grinding your teeth can lead to permanent enamel damage, jaw pain, and irritated gums. The night guard can prevent all that. Night guards are very similar to the mouth guards worn by athletes. These removable, clear devices are inserted into your mouth and over your top teeth. It works as a barrier between the top and bottom teeth, preventing them from grinding together.


Night guards are custom made and properly fitted to your teeth and your teeth only. At your appointment with Dr. Kattaura, an impression of your teeth will be made. This impression will be sent to a dental laboratory to be constructed. Once you receive your night guard, it can be used for up to ten years.


There are other things that can be done to help prevent teeth grinding. Try to refrain from chewing gum or other objects like pens. Alcoholic drinks and caffeine also increase the likelihood of grinding.


If you suspect you may be grinding your teeth at night, don’t wait to contact Ardas Family Dental. Our office is located in Parker, CO. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Kattaura, visit our website or call 720-459-8420.