Ardas Family Dental

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Dental Instruments

We want visiting the dentist to be a comfortable experience at Ardas Family Dental in Parker, and we recognize that for most people, that means retaining a sense of agency. We use up-to-date technology in our office to provide patients with the best experience possible, but some people feel anxiety about ordinary dental instruments. We thought if patients knew how to talk about them, they would feel more relaxed.

The dental hygienists’ most important tools are the handheld mirror and the explorer. The explorer is the metal wand with a hook on each end that is used to investigate the hardness of enamel and the cleanliness of gum pockets. It is also used to scrape away tartar that has accumulated on teeth. A scaler is a kind of flattened hook that is used to clean bacteria out of gum pockets. Once the explorer has dislodged unwanted material, a vacuum hose called an evacuator is used to remove it.

Larger evacuators are used to remove debris from drilling. When a patient needs a filling, we will apply a localized anesthetic through a syringe and drill the decayed enamel away. The drill will emit water to prevent overheating. Once the decayed enamel is removed, we can replace it with a natural-colored non-toxic filling. The filling will be contoured using a blunt-tipped instrument called a burnisher, ensuring that it will not interfere with the patient’s bite.

Dr. Roopi Kattaura operates Ardas Family Dental at 10233 S Parker Rd, Suite 205, Parker, Colorado. Call 720-459-8420 or visit Ardas Family Dental and fill out a contact sheet.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Holiday Teeth Safety Tips from Ardas Family Dental

With so much sugar available during the holiday season, you may be wondering how you can protect your and your children’s teeth. At Ardas Family Dental in Parker, we want our patients to be able to enjoy socializing with treats and not have to worry about getting a toothache, so we put together some smart tips.

When food remains on the teeth for a long time, bacteria have longer to metabolize it and secrete acid. Bacteria can eat simple sugar more quickly, so the most dangerous foods are those which keep sugar in direct contact with teeth for a long time. Candy canes and other hard candies are chief among those, but another risk comes from sugary drinks such as eggnog, hot chocolate, caffeinated beverages with cream, and alcoholic beverages. Things that are full of simple sugars also tend to dry out the mouth, leaving it without saliva to rinse sugary residue or remove food debris.

You produce more saliva when you’re eating large meals, so it’s best to limit snacks to then, if possible. If social obligations demand that you snack over a long period, you can try chewing sugar-free gum to remove some sticky or starchy food from between your teeth. Alternating between sugary beverages and water will also help keep the mouth clean, so bring some bottles of fluoridated water with you if you’re traveling to somewhere that uses well water.

Dr. Roopi Kattaura operates Ardas Family Dental at 10233 S Parker Rd, Suite 205, Parker, Colorado. Call 720-459-8420 or visit Ardas Family Dental and fill out a contact sheet.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Adult Orthodontics in Parker, CO

Dr. Roopi Kattaura of Ardas Family Dental provides orthodontic care for adolescents and adults.  It is often recommended to start treatment on an adolescent patient once all the permanent teeth have come in, but adults can still get great results from orthodontic care.  There are several options for adults beginning orthodontic treatment, and the best one for you will depend on what needs to be corrected.

To correct bite issues and straighten teeth, the traditional braces method includes brackets on the teeth and connecting wires that are tightened over the course of treatment. Clear braces use the same method but the materials are tooth-colored to avoid a metallic look.  Accelerated orthodontics are applied to correct cosmetic issues in about six months. Severe misalignments and bite issues can’t be corrected in such a short time, but if your concerns are purely cosmetic, it’s a great option for a short treatment time that can completely transform your smile. Invisalign treatment is popular because of its almost invisible appearance.  A treatment plan consists of a series of clear aligners that straighten teeth over time.  Come see us and find out what will be best to correct your smile!

To learn more about orthodontic care and the services we provide at the practice, or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Roopi Kattaura of Ardas Family Dental, visit Restorative Dentist Parker, CO for more information or call 720-459-8420.