Ardas Family Dental

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Pediatric Dentistry In Parker, CO

Ardas Family Dental is proud to serve the families from our community, and we want them to know it’s just as important for children to have regular dental visits.  A child’s first dental visit should be scheduled when the first baby tooth appears, or around the child’s first birthday.  Baby teeth eventually come out, but their growth and development is important for overall oral health for the child and the development of their adult teeth. Baby teeth should be brushed and cared for like adult teeth, and it’s important to monitor their growth and development. 

Missing any tooth for too long can change the development of surrounding teeth and compromise the structure of the jaw bone, but regular checkups can keep a child’s tooth development right on track.  Our dentists are skilled and experienced in administering dental care to children.  If your child has seems nervous about seeing a dentist for the first time, we recommend going through a brushing routine with them at home, and talking about the dental visit before you arrive.  Once we get your child’s oral health off to a great start, we offer a full range of services for child patients including dental cleanings, fluoride treatments, and sealants.

We love to see good oral hygiene habits formed early, and make lifetime patients out of kids from our community!  To learn more about the services we offer, visit Kids and Family Dentist, Parker CO for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Roopi Kattaura at Ardas Family Dental in Parker, CO, call 720-459-8420.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Makeover Your Smile With Veneers In Parker, CO

At Ardas Family Dental, we see a lot of patients who are unhappy with the appearance of their smile.  There are many cosmetic procedures available to correct tooth alignment or color, but veneers the best way to give your natural smile an overall makeover.  Veneers are thin porcelain shells that bond directly to the surface of your teeth, and give you the opportunity to completely change the appearance of your smile and still look natural. 

Patients with cosmetic issues like staining, chipped or cracked teeth, and even crooked teeth and small gaps can achieve a dazzling smile with veneers.  Veneers can be applied in as little as two visits.  First, you and your dentist will discuss what shape and look is best for your new smile and an impression of your teeth will be taken.  This impression is sent to a dental lab where your veneers will be manufactured in order to custom-fit the final product.  Veneers can typically be fabricated within 14 days, and on your final visit the veneers are bonded to your teeth for you to wear for a lifetime.

To learn more about veneers and all the services we provide, visit Kids and Family Dentist, Parker CO for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Roopi Kattaura at Ardas Family Dental in Parker, CO, call 720-459-8420.

Monday, August 20, 2018

Choosing between Electric and Manual Toothbrushes at Adras Family Dental

People have a bigger collection of dental hygiene products to choose from than ever before. This is good news for people with highly specific oral health needs, but the toiletries section of the store can also get confusing. This week, we at Ardas Family Dental in Parker are devoting our blog to the differences between manual and electric toothbrushes.

Electric toothbrushes make tens of thousands of brush strokes per minute, in contrast to manually operated toothbrushes, which can only make a few dozen. This creates a risk of overbrushing, but could also cut down on time. Studies have found that when a manual toothbrush is used properly, it is just as good at preventing tooth decay as an electric brush. But manual toothbrushes have to be used for at least two minutes per session, which can especially be a problem for people with motor neuron issues.

Electric toothbrushes are a bigger investment, but some are equipped with Bluetooth technology and apps that can help people with other problems. Besides warning the user if they are overbrushing, they can also point out if the user consistently misses a spot. Some are also designed to teach good hygiene habits to kids through mobile games. If a person frequently needs dental care for tooth decay, an electric toothbrush may save them money in the long run.

Dr. Roopi Kattaura operates Ardas Family Dental at 10233 S Parker Rd, Suite 205, Parker, Colorado. Call 720-459-8420 or visit Ardas Family Dental and fill out a contact sheet.

Friday, August 17, 2018

Combating Acid Reflux at Ardas Family Dental

If you suffer from acid reflux, your teeth may be in danger. We pride ourselves on patient education at Ardas Family Dental in Parker, which is why we want to inform the public of this often-overlooked cause of tooth sensitivity.

Acid removes minerals from enamel, the hard outer surface of teeth. Without enamel, the sensitive inner layers of the teeth are more exposed to heat and coldness. In people with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), the sphincter separating the stomach from the esophagus opens when a person swallows, allowing stomach acid to escape. Stomach acid is highly corrosive—the sensation of it burning the esophagus is misleadingly called “heartburn”—and it damages teeth it comes into contact with. Because of their position, the upper back teeth are the most vulnerable.

Dentists can recognize acid reflux by its distinctive pattern of erosion. It causes the teeth to appear glazed and white before becoming pitted. Dental sealants can help protect enamel, but once enamel mass has been lost, it can only be restored with prosthetics such as partial crowns. To reduce their chance of developing GERD, patients should avoid smoking and consuming large amounts of foods such as red meat, onions and garlic, and citric acid before lying down.

Dr. Roopi Kattaura operates Ardas Family Dental at 10233 S Parker Rd, Suite 205, Parker, Colorado. Call 720-459-8420 or visit Ardas Family Dental and fill out a contact sheet.

Lone Tree CO, Aurora CO, Elizabeth CO, Highlands Ranch CO, general dentist, kids dentist, pediatric dentist, emergency dentist, family dentist, Medicaid dentist, teeth whitening dentist, Ardas Family Dental, Parker CO