Ardas Family Dental

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Repairing a Tooth with Root Canal Therapy

If you have a tooth that is decaying, or severely damaged and/or infected, then Dr. Roopi Kattaura of Ardas Family Dental may recommend a root canal. Root canals are necessary to treat a tooth that has been damaged and Dr. Kattaura promises to make the process as smooth and comfortable as possible. Though the term “root canal” sounds terrifying, the procedure is less painful than living with a toothache.  

These days, with modern dental technology, root canals are very similar to routine fillings. Depending on the condition of a patient’s tooth, the procedure can be completed in one or two visits. Repairing a tooth with root canal therapy has numerous advantages, such as improving the way the teeth chew and bite, and protecting the surrounding teeth from excessive wear. With proper care, a tooth that has been restored with a root canal can last a lifetime.

If you have questions about root canal treatment, our doctors are here to answer them all. To learn more about services we provide at the practice, visit Medicaid Dentist Parker, CO, Lone Tree CO, Highlands Ranch, CO, Elizabeth Aurora CO, for more information. To schedule an appointment with one of our doctors at Ardas Family Dental in Parker, CO, call 720-459-8420.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Scaling and Root Planing in Parker, CO

In its most advanced stages, gum disease can lead to gum recession and even tooth loss.  At Ardas Family Dental, we want to help protect you and your family from gum disease.  When plaque builds up on a tooth, the gum starts to pull away from the tooth and form a pocket around the buildup, which only leads to more gum recession.  A scaling and root planing procedure is used to treat this buildup and prevent the later stages of gum disease.

Scaling and root planning are two parts of a deep cleaning procedure your dentist can perform to help repair gums.  It begins with scaling, the process of removing plaque from the surface of your teeth all the way down to your gums. Then comes root planing, which means minor contouring to smooth the surface of a tooth near the root.  When plaque has been removed and the tooth root has been smoothed, the gums that have pulled away will have a clean, smooth surface to reattach to as they heal.  

To learn more about scaling, root planing, and all the services we offer, please give us a call or visit Kids and Family Dentist, Parker CO for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Roopi Kattaura at Ardas Family Dental in Parker, CO, call 720-459-8420.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Mini Dental Implants In Parker, CO

The doctors at Ardas Family Dental take a lot of pride in offering the best dental technology and products to our patients.  We want patients to know that mini dental implants make treatments possible for patients who could not benefit from traditional implants. Mini dental implants are about half the diameter of a traditional dental implant, and can fit in spaces too narrow for traditional implants.

Another advantage to mini implants is they can typically be inserted right through the gum into the bone. No incision means no stitches, and eliminates the need for a recovery period. This means the restoration or denture can usually be placed right away or shortly after.  Mini implants can also be used to install a full upper or lower denture. Between 4 and 6 mini implants are placed along the gum line to serve as the base for securing the denture.  Any of our doctors can tell you a mini implant is the right solution for you. 

To learn more about mini dental implants and all the services we offer, please give us a call or visit Kids and Family Dentist, Parker CO for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Roopi Kattaura at Ardas Family Dental in Parker, CO, call 720-459-8420.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Frenectomy In Parker, CO

At Ardas Family Dental, our doctors perform frenectomies to correct a number of issues patients experience with the gums, lips, and tongue. A frenectomy is a procedure to remove a frenulum, or muscular attachment between two tissues, from the mouth.  You have a frenulum between your front teeth (both upper and lower) that connects your lips to your gums.  A very short or thick frenulum connecting the lips to the gum can cause extra pulling on the gums and lead to recession.  Another frenulum is located underneath the tongue, and if this attachment is short or thick, it can inhibit breastfeeding for infants and affect speech development in children. If your child needs a frenectomy it can be done while they are very young, and can recover quickly and continue to develop their speech.

The frenectomy procedure is simple and usually takes about 15 minutes.  Young children and infant patients are put under general anesthesia for the procedure, and adults have the option to use local anesthesia.  With either a scalpel or a laser tool, the frenulum is removed to free the tissue on either side. A laser procedure requires no stitches and causes little bleeding.  Following doctor’s instructions, most patients only feel slight discomfort afterwards and have a short healing time.

To learn more about frenectomies and all the services we offer, please give us a call or visit Kids and Family Dentist, Parker CO for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Roopi Kattaura at Ardas Family Dental in Parker, CO, call 720-459-8420.